Why do the tips of the leaves of plants dry?

08/24/2023 at 18:04


There are several causes for this brown color that the leaves of the plants acquire.

Decorating our homes with plants and flowers is a tradition that connects us with nature, but taking care of them can be challenging. The dry tips on the leaves of the plants are an alert sign that something is wrong in their environment. Although it’s easy to assume pests or disease, dryness is often an indication of stress.

There are several reasons why the tips of the leaves can dry out. Lack of water is one of the main causes. If the substrate is dry and cracked, the plant is not receiving the necessary hydration. However, overwatering can also be harmful if the pot does not have good drainage.

Excess sun is another factor that can cause the ends to dry out. Placing sun-sensitive plants in overly exposed locations can result in leaf scorch. In addition, environmental dryness, often caused by heating, can especially affect plants that require high humidity.

Air currents and sudden changes in temperature can also damage the leaves of plants. Compressed roots in a small pot can hinder proper uptake of water and nutrients. Even the sodium content in the growing medium or the use of high sodium chemical fertilizers can affect the health of the plant.

In some cases, diseases and pests are responsible for dry tips on the leaves.. Pests such as whitefly, aphids or mealybugs can suck the sap from the plant, causing dryness and deterioration. Given this scenario, it is essential to identify the underlying cause and take appropriate measures to ensure an optimal and healthy environment for our beloved plants.
