We have not yet officially started the electoral campaign and some of us have already felt embarrassed more than once contemplating our highest representatives in their clumsy attempts to appear closer. Observing in the absurd context in which our politicians move too regularly, I always ask the same question Why do you let yourself do that, you don’t have anyone in life who loves you? Josep Tarradellas said that “in politics you can do anything except ridicule”; but the warning and advice seems to have been forgotten…
That video of Ada Colau in a grocery store in Barcelona (with a painful interpretation, edition and production) spontaneously asking the manager of the establishment what he could do for him… Even Yolanda Díaz, more shy about participating in these searches, ended up lending herself together with the mayoress of Barcelona to sit cross-arms on a TikTok titled “mamis de España”… To demonstrate his support for Ernest Maragall, Pere Aragonès, like a ballet dancer trapped in a music box, accessed a circular mobile platform where a camera recorded how (not) the less arrhythmic and charismatic ‘president’ moved (and see that such an achievement is not easy because previously we Catalans have suffered from examples like José Montilla and Quim Torra…).
A few weeks ago, the PP organized a massive event with an evangelical televangelist to seduce the Latino public… In Isabel Díaz Ayuso and Jose Luis Almeida I will not go into detail because in their cases the ridicule is persistent and independent whether we are in electoral period or not. But also in Madrid, Begoña Villacís disguised herself as the Prince of Bel-Air because of the influencer agency that the Cs candidate for mayor of Madrid has hired, to have a greater impact on virtual platforms for 28-M , it seemed like a good thing to seduce (caricature) voters of Latino origin like that…
We could go on for hours reciting more examples of all political colors. In a year in which so many electoral events (municipal, regional and general) are concentrated, few or no candidates will be able to escape the “politically ridiculous & rdquor; that the networks claim and demand to feed themselves. First, because if you don’t have a good candidate or a good program, it’s better for people to laugh at you (share your video) than to ignore you. Therefore, if you are a politician and your adviser suggests that you do the penalty, it is because you have hired a bad professional or simply consider (rightly or not) that you are not up to the task and, therefore, it is better that the public opinion speak ill of you to not speak.
For my part, I don’t trust anyone who wants to prioritize the image over the idea.; Well, a good image (authentic and well built) will accompany, but will never overshadow, an electoral program full of solutions and proposals to the problems of citizenship.
Second, because politicians and their advisors confuse “humanizing” with ridiculing. That is to say, they must have a very low regard for the human species since instead of preferring to humanize themselves by elevating themselves like Jose Sacristán or Meryl Streep, they prefer to lower us to the level of Javier Cárdenas or Kim Kardashian.
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Third, because the politician or his team have believed that just by wishing it and putting themselves in front of a camera they will be able to amaze us dancing with the ‘flow’ of Barack Obama, treat children with as much complicity as Jacinda Ardern or participate in a ‘sketch’ ‘ with James Bond (Daniel Craig) as the Queen of England (Elizabeth and not Camila, obviously) and that the interpretation is acceptable (natural, nice).
Fourth, because we citizens have become so stunned that we are capable of preferring to eat a McDonald’s hamburger and wear ‘flip flops’ rather than savor some Palamós prawns or put on some beautiful espadrilles from set vetes and justify it with the auction of stupidity : “Well, what’s up, it’s very comfortable.” And it is true, thinking is quite uncomfortable. Winning elections for your ideas, with a coherent and respectable image, without the need to make a fool of yourself, is not easy or fast. But yes possible.