Why do my teeth become more sensitive when temperatures drop?

On at 15:01


According to the latest Sanitas Oral Health Study 2023, oral sensitivity is one of the problems that currently affects 29% of the Spanish population.

It has taken longer than usual, but it seems that the cold it’s here. And with it come some problems health such as pain in rheumatic people, infections such as flu or colds or mouth problems.

Yes, in winter the mouth and teeth can suffer due to the sudden changes in temperature typical of this season. The formation of cracks in the teeth, pain or hypersensitivity are some of the most common problems that occur when temperatures drop.

These discomforts can affect anyone, although it is true that people with oral problems previous ones are more likely to suffer from them, indicate specialists in odontology.

Therefore, it is important to follow good hygiene guidelines, protect your mouth and teeth in cold weather, and visit the dentist regularly to avoid long-term problems.

Tooth sensitivity affects 29% of the Spanish population.

| Adobe Stock.

Why do teeth hurt during winter?

According to the latest Sanitas Oral Health Study 2023, oral sensitivity is one of the problems that currently affects 29% of the Spanish population. Those who suffer from it explain that the pain is like a sharp puncture and that it can be a consequence of already existing problems such as cavities, periodontal disease either bruxism.

“Tooth pain and hypersensitivity occur when the layer of the tooth located beneath the enamel is exposed: the dentin, causing greater exposure to external agents,” he explains. Michelle Pawlydentist in the Department of Innovation and Quality of Care at Sanitas Dental.

In winter, one of these external factors are the temperature changes that occur “when you try to combat the cold with hot foods. The sudden change in temperature inside the mouth can aggravate the tooth sensitivity”, says the specialist.

Fighting the cold with hot drinks can cause tooth pain.


Recommendations to reduce the effects of winter on teeth

In order to prevent as much as possible the pain caused by temperature changes in the teeth or, at least, control it, the dental specialists at Sanitas provide some recommendations:

  • Choose a good brush and toothpaste. To try not to attack the tooth enamel, it is always recommended that the bristles be of medium hardness. As for toothpaste, it is best to choose those that are specific for tooth sensitivity.
  • Choose the foods in our diet well. Along the same lines as the previous recommendation, dentists recommend avoiding all those foods that are more aggressive to the teeth, such as acids, citrus fruits, carbonated soft drinks, and sugary foods.

In exchange, we must increase the intake of products such as kiwi or broccoli that contain a lot of vitamin C, it is one of the best allies against the lowering of defenses typical of winter.

Breathing through the nose prevents the impact of the cold on the teeth.

| Wirestock. FREEPIK.

  • Never neglect the oral hygiene. You should brush at least three times a day, for 2 minutes, brushing each quadrant of your mouth for 30 seconds. It is also important to use dental floss or floss and finish the wash with a mouthwash or mouthwash.
  • Try to breathe through your nose. The most correct way to breathe is nasal because it has a defensive function. Upon entering the nosenasal hairs filter the air and stop dust particles, viruses, bacteria and fungi from entering the body.

But not only that, the nasal passages warm and humidify the air, preventing too much cold from entering. If we breathe through the mouth, we let cold air come into direct contact with the mouth, which can increase the sensation of pain. So you have to breathe well.

If it is difficult for us, it is best to cover our mouth with a scarf or handkerchief when we are outside.
