‘Why do I have to pay a fine?!’

Sam van Royen, the editor of Today Inside who has damaged Eva Jinek’s image considerably, now has to deal with a setback himself. He has received a very hefty fine.

© RTL, Instagram

Talk show diva Eva Jinek must find VI editor Sam van Royen an incredible traitor. He was present at the last spring after party of her season finale and then trumpeted that the presenter would have danced on the grave of Today Inside. That program was then temporarily taken off the tube because of the candle riot.

Eve under fire

Sam’s gossip led to Eva being scolded on national television by Johan Derksen. He called her an ‘uncollegiate bitch’. “I was really shocked by it. It was about something that wasn’t true. I think that was the worst thing about it,” responded the presenter, who portrayed Sam as a lying boy.

Sam claimed that Eva lied in her denial and things went from bad to worse. For example, columnist Jan Dijkgraaf called the TV star a coward, the VI gentlemen shouted again that she is ‘hypocritical and cowardly’, Harry Vermeegen called her ‘the big loser’ and Bridget Maasland also turned against Eva.

Sam the spool

Eva will undoubtedly laugh up her sleeve now, because Sam is quite upset with a huge parking fine that he has received. He has been driving around in a Tesla for a few months now, but parking that car is no fun in his hometown of Amsterdam. It went particularly wrong on Sinterklaas evening.

Sam posted a whole complaining message on Twitter (see below), in which he says that he has parked his car in a parking space with a faulty charging station. Parking is not allowed there, because the charging station must be easily accessible for repairs. “Is this a useful policy, and do I really have to pay the 370 euros?” he complains.

Tea over laptop

It is not clear with which voodoo doll Eva is playing exactly in her brand new villa in Abcoude, but yesterday Sam’s well-known mother Heleen van Royen was also suddenly hit. “Cold cup of tea thrown over my MacBook Air,” she wrote. “He made a hissing sound and appears dead.”

She talks a lot about it. “Writing a book on an iPad is very clumsy ?.”


Sam’s lament:
