Why corona tests can be wrong

In this scenario, one incorrect test procedure responsible for the wrong finding: The viral load in the nose and throat is still with the guests small amount. In this case the correct extraction the sample especially important.

A wrong result can occur in some cases wrong withdrawal, but also by wrong ones storage or improper transport develop.

In the Omicron variant the viral load in the throat can be detected earlier. Therefore swabs in nose and throat combined will. PCR tests, but also most of the ones approved in Germany antigen testing, according to the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut can prove the variant.

What makes false negative tests so dangerous:

You can people in false security weigh. In the worst case, they unknowingly infect others – including risk groups.

Scenario 3: It’s the test itself

It is extreme Rare, that PCR tests one yourself wrong result cause. However, if it does happen, it can be due to one statistical peculiarity lie.

Relatively speaking, self-tests and quick tests produce incorrect results more frequently. In these tests, only Products of particularly high quality be used.

Play for the validity of a test sensitivity, specificity and prevalence a role.

What the terms mean:


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