Why bad habits can actually be really good for us

In our meritocracy, bad habits have a bad reputation. Procrastinating, biting your nails, skipping sports, stuffing yourself with pasta at night – you shouldn’t do any of this.

By Inna Hemme

Because bad habits are not considered charming or natural, but something we should work on. To get rid of them like weeds. But, isn’t it okay to have some bad habits and not want to change them? Yes it is! Because many of them are much better than their reputation. At least that’s what the research says! Here are the top 7:

No breakfast

“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” as the saying goes. Many researchers see it differently. The British biochemist Professor Terence Kealey (University of Cambridge) also claims in his 352-page work “Breakfast is a Dangerous Meal” that eating too early often leads to obesity and high blood pressure in adults. And the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) also confirms that not eating for many hours has a positive effect on the metabolism.

drink coffee

Enjoy your cup of steaming pick-me-up every morning! Studies show: Moderate coffee consumption (up to three cups a day) is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and depression. It also helps against stress. So, don’t break this bad habit!

Get stuck on Instagram

Sure, social media is a crazy time waster. You can hang on your cell phone for hours and then get angry at yourself. However, current studies (such as those by the “Royal Society for Public Health” in Great Britain) show that moderate use is not harmful and even has positive side effects. Instagram & Co. promotes the networking of friends, family and like-minded people all over the world, offers inspiration and moral support and helps people to express their identity. It is important to consciously select content that is good for you!

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Eat pasta in the evening

Carbohydrates are bad and especially after 6 p.m. Is that correct? The fact is: Noodles per se do not make you fat, they are actually really healthy in moderation and contain many nutrients. They are even ideal for losing weight because they more than double their volume when cooked (due to the water absorbed). But what makes you fat are the sauces. Simply slurp spaghetti with tomato sauce against a bad conscience. The time doesn’t matter.


Always eating everything inside doesn’t help anyone. Swear words (but please no public insults!) help to relieve the psyche and reduce stress. Researcher Richard Stephens from Keele University was able to show that swearing actually activates the brain function that helps us to better bear pain. At the same time, a hormone cocktail of adrenaline and cortisol is released. Well then!

Don’t do things right away

Most of us have suffered from procrastination at some point, some even have to fight it on a daily basis. There’s nothing wrong with not getting things done right away! John Perry, a professor of philosophy at Stanford, even claims that those who leave and procrastinate with a plan achieve a great deal. First, they find a lot of great things to do instead. Second, tight deadlines make you more productive. Thirdly, some tasks take care of themselves. And if we don’t have any motivation for sport, our body may simply want to tell us that it needs rest right now.

get dirty

Don’t feel like taking a shower? Completely drenched again after gardening? Beautiful! Constant cleaning is not as good for our body as we think. If we scrub too often, our immune system does not have the opportunity to build up sufficient protection against bacteria. Hygiene experts consider it ideal to shower two to three times a week. Conclusion: don’t be afraid to get dirty. And let.

And what to do with the remaining bad habits? Remember, a habit can be beneficial in the short term but harmful in the long term. It always comes down to the right balance!
