Who will be the champions of the Smildes this year? Smildeger Championships is going for its 43rd edition: ‘We are doing everything we can to involve the youth more’

Smilde, Hoogersmilde and Bovensmilde are preparing for the Smildeger Championships. It is the 43rd edition of the sporting event, which will take place on January 19 and 20 this year. “We hope for more young participants this year,” said chairman Ineke Bodde.

The Smildes traditionally kick off the year in a sporting manner. Badminton, volleyball, darts, swimming, cycling or cross-country running; Name a sporting discipline and there is a Smildeger champion.

This year canoeing is also on the program again and if winter shows up, ice skating will also take place. What is new this year: the honors will be given by Mayor Jan Zwiers.

Last year the event returned after two corona years. And that went beyond expectations, as Ineke Bodden also saw. The chairman of the board of the Smildeger Championships noticed with relief that the event is still alive among the residents of the Smildes.

Bodde: “We didn’t really know where to start, because you basically start from scratch again. But the turnout was very large. You actually expect that if things have been quiet for two years, people will not pick up the thread again. But luckily that did happen. As usual, it was a great success with more than 600 participants.”

More youth

According to the board, what could be improved is the attendance of young people. Ineke says that this year they hope for higher participation from the young residents of Smilde, Hoogersmilde and Bovensmilde: “We think it’s a shame that the youth are not really taking it up. That was disappointing last year. We can’t say much about it for this edition yet because registrations have just started, but we are doing everything we can to involve the youth more.”

The board uses social media to promote sports such as cross-country running, and one sport is also returning: “We are going canoeing again. We haven’t done that in the last ten years, so it’s back,” says Ineke. This year, entertainment for between the companies is also being considered. “We are working on a singing group that sings songs between the tributes. We are still developing and are trying to make it fun.”


On the website of the Smildeger Championships all program components, locations and times are clearly displayed. After the event, results and photos will also be shared here.

People can also register here. Ineke: “We often notice that after Christmas and New Year’s Eve people start thinking about the Smildeger championships. We hope to see as many participants and spectators as possible again this year.”
