Luis Abelardo Patti He has three life sentences for kidnappings and murders between 1976 and 1983. It is what is said, in Creole, a repressor. Villarruel, Of course, you shouldn’t see it that way. It makes some sense: she comes from a military family that was part of the Process, and she was also for many in that world the gateway to achieving a hand-to-hand meeting with Jorge Rafael Videla.
That happened when in the early 2000s his group “Young People for the Truth” He coordinated the interviews with the arrested dictator. Although she is still fearsome, Patti has a somewhat thicker record than Videla.
Would Villarruel have accepted money from the bloodiest genocide that occurred in this country? It is counterfactual, impossible to know. Although Patti’s thing can serve as a clue: dand he accepted contributions for the 2021 campaign. She went to see him and took his financial support, which was more symbolic than monetary. What would be the message hidden behind that envelope? Are the repressors with you? If you come to power, remember us?
These are questions that remain floating, reinforced because someone else who got money was Raul Granillo Ocampothe Minister of Justice of Carlos Menem and author of the pardons for almost two hundred Armed Forces officers accused of crimes against humanity.
Villarruel moves along that delicate line, fine as a thread about to break. She is much more sophisticated than the leaders who preceded her and who shouted her support for the genocidal out loud. She better understood the spirit of the times: she says that the 30 thousand missing people are “mythology”, that “on March 24 only part of history is remembered”, that “in a war it is legal to kill the enemy” and that from the blow “The population began to be more protected.”
But he is careful, to the extreme, to speak in favor of or justify the dictatorship. He doesn’t condemn herspeaks of “de facto government”“, refers to Videla as “de facto president” and says that state terrorism did not exist – but, with skill cold as the Moscow winter, he avoids defending her.
Villarruel moves on that limit. Provocation, the attempt to stretch the politically incorrect as far as he can, is his best weapon. Through successive lip service to the established discourse on human rights, thanks to fights on the “Intratables” panel starting in 2017 and other television crossovers, she became known. She was like that, she was building her figure.
His great political capital, which allowed him to occupy second place in the 2021 formula of Freedom Advancesis that: presenting himself as the face of hard nationalism.
“To those who call me genocidal, dand the racist, denialist façade, I tell you that I receive all of that with a smile. They are the same ones that justify the crimes of communism. We don’t have to ask for permission or forgiveness for how we think. If defending impunity for terrorism is from the left, gentlemen, I am from the right. “If voting for laws like the Micaela law, the law that introduces inclusive language, if agreeing with the gender ideology that discriminates between men and women is on the left, I am on the right,” he said at the closing ceremony of the campaign. 2021, while the crowd that was in Parque Lezama shouted that “the caste eats it up.”