Who warms up their hands on the crisis in Kazakhstan

The nuances of foreign intervention in affairs of Kazakhstan – a topic for a separate detailed conversation, said Vladimir Putin at the CSTO summit. It is, of course, too early to draw conclusions. But you can at least list the major players whose interests are well known.

For example, Turkey’s increased attention – they regularly attract the impressive oil reserves of the Mangistau region: three billion proven tons. But it was there, in the Kazakhstani south-west, that actions took place, including under provocative slogans about Turkic autonomy. Or even separatist – about separation.

As for the eastern regions – here, according to international experts, there are likely to be beneficiaries in the person of the collective West. Especially the transnational corporations of the European Union, which are unhappy with the transit of Chinese goods to the EU through Kazakhstan. That is, perhaps they would like to deprive the Celestial Empire of the Central Asian supply channel.

Well, one more important object of geoeconomic bargaining is the world’s richest uranium deposits. Recently, foreigners are prohibited from developing them independently, without the participation of Kazakhstani government agencies. That, for example, forced one of the French enterprises to form a joint business with Kazatomprom. Of course, this is not profitable for Paris. Who else? Here, after all, the British could well have tried to play the uranium card?

“Yellowcake” – uranium concentrate powder. It is used to make fuel for nuclear power plants; and also – this is the name of a British company that buys uranium in the republic and sells it all over the world.

“The price of uranium fell, the company’s shares fell. The fall occurred in the fall of 2021, the Kazakh company Kazatomprom took advantage of this, which together with the Emirati company, under a 10-year agreement, bought part of the sold uranium and was going to sell it on the market, in fact, encroached on a piece of the British pie “, – explains Andrey Prokaev, special correspondent of RIA FAN.

They wrote that competitors are already ready to buy “Yellowcake”. But then the events in Kazakhstan begin. For whom – tragic, and for whom – giving a chance to make money.

“On the day of the start of the protests, the turnover of the Yellowcake company, which was at a relatively low level, if memory serves, was 200-300 million daily turnover, it jumps to a billion at a time,” notes the administrator of the Rybar analytical Telegram channel.

Not by uranium alone – the oil workers from Shell, who have assets in Kazakhstan, also earned extra money during the growth of shares.

Britain has a reason to strengthen its influence in the country. The mined and produced non-ferrous metals, chemicals, equipment are bought by the kingdom for its own needs. What in an interview with the local “Forbes” said the Minister of Commerce of England.

“They have been working in Kazakhstan for a very long time, we are glad to cooperate, since the country produces all the necessary resources for the green transition. The green transition is actually one of the main topics in Europe now, and the green transition allows many companies and corporations to earn money,” notes Andrey Prokayev. special correspondent for RIA FAN.

Following the financial influence, attempts to influence the political are growing. According to experts, more than 80 British NGOs operate in Kazakhstan, which hide behind the support of civil society, and in fact serve foreign interests.

“A significant part of the routes of the Chinese Silk Road passes through Kazakhstan. The land route between China and Europe, which makes China less dependent on sea transit, which is controlled by the US. The British recently joined AUKUS, an anti-Chinese alliance, the British see opposition to China as a global power. Yes, this is a confrontation with a tie with the United States “, – said Gevorg Mirzayan, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science of the Financial University under the government of the Russian Federation.

Links are strong, especially informational. The media controlled by Britain and the United States are beginning to smuggle in the idea of ​​dubious actions of local authorities.

“The main trend is this: the CSTO illegally entered Kazakhstan, the CSTO is actually an instrument of the Russian occupation of Kazakhstan. While this is the case, there will be other pictures – there will be other narratives,” Gevorg Mirzayan believes.

And while in Britain they are calculating profits and planning the next informational stuffing, in Kazakhstan they note: riot damage in the country exceeded two billion dollars.


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