“Who wants to be a millionaire” candidate gave Merkel hip-hop tuition

Even our former Chancellor could learn something from him … “Who wants to be a millionaire” candidate Cem Arslan (30) told Günther Jauch (65) on Monday evening about his meeting with Angela Merkel (67). The freelance rap coach once performed a song for her and then explained to her what the genre of music was all about.

Arslan works as a teacher at an elementary school, but his passion is chanting. The unforgettable encounter happened years ago. Back then, Merkel officially attended the Hamburg Hip Hop Academy. Jauchs Ratefuchs said: “When she arrived, we made an appearance for her and performed a song.”

Then he and his artist colleagues went to the restaurant with the Chancellor who was still in office at the time. Curiously, Jauch asked: “What did she want to know?” The educator was a little proud: “She wanted to know from me what exactly hip-hop is. I was then allowed to explain that to her – the most powerful woman in the world at the time.”

In fact, Merkel listened with great interest, which Arslan could not say about every politician. “We also had Cem Özdemir and Jürgen Trittin there. They were way behind her in terms of sympathy.”

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In Jauch broadcast, the 30-year-old was over with the 32,000 euro question. The quiz master wanted to know: “What do you call the light-dark boundary that separates the illuminated from the unilluminated part of the moon, for example?” There was a choice of gladiator, terminator (correct), aviator or fan.

Arslan had to pass and ended up taking home 16,000 euros. He wants to go on a trip around the world at some point.
