Who saves the rescue team after wind damage? The rescuers themselves, but you can help

The lifeguard station of Wijk aan Zee was in bad shape after storm Poly yesterday, but there is not really time to recover for rescuers: this weekend it will be tropically warm and the lifeguard will have to be ready again. And so young and old members of the brigade were busy early this morning to make the mail completely ready for use again. Not easy, because there was little left of the roof and the lookout post.

“The fact that there happened to be a storm, the beachgoer will no longer care about that this weekend,” says one of the brigade members, who closes outside the chairs. “We just have to be ready again, we have no choice,” another adds. And so, from early this morning, hard work was resumed, as can be seen in the video.

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The rescue team must quickly recover from wind damage – NH News

This afternoon things looked a lot better than a few hours before, when the Rescue Brigade post was quite battered, as can be seen in the photos below. and the post on social media below.

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