WHO: “Reduced prayer for corona can suffer to no fatale variant” | Buitenland

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, from the basis of the Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie WHO, warns that the reduced attention to the best practice of Covid-19 can suffer tot the onset of a new known variant of the coronavirus.

“Broken strategies om Covid-19 aan te pack, you can create perfecte omstandigheden voor het ontstaan ​​van een dodelijke nieuwe variant”.

“We are close to the point where the noodfase of the pandemic is happening, but we are not going to do it,” said the Ethiopian WHO chief. Weekday the organization had not been reported since the previous week opnieuw a clear stijging van het wereldwijde aantal new besmettingen voordeed.


As a result, there was a warning from the WHO that was 90 percent of the population in the middle and there was a risk of immunity from the coronavirus. That comes after a different appointment of door vaccination.

Het kwam recent tot big protests in China tegen het strict zerocovidbeleid dat het country blijft nastreven. © REUTERS

The words spoken by Ghebreyesus come at the moment when there are some infections in China that were to be expected, because the pandemic began. The verdere versoepeling van de tot nu toe zeer strict corona test-iron in quarantine rules in some Chinese cities will be welcomed with a lot of opluchting in bezorgdheid.

The WHO heeft hair tevredenheid geuit over de versoepeling. “We’ll stick to the Chinese authorities, and we’ll adapt and really try to control the rules that apply to the nodes,” said Michael Ryan, who said that the WHO’s nood program was there. “We want the adjustments to be real and that they have been understood.”

This is due to Ryan being responsible for the regulation of the population during the pandemic. If there are shadows that he has for Beijing, there will be a number of strict ‘zero-covid-beleids’ for people that have different omicron variations.

Last week 8,500 coronadodes

Ghebreyesus legde nog uit dat sinds de opkomst van micron, het virus steeds verder is blijven evolueren. “Vandaag zijn he more than 500 subvariants of omicron that circulate”, zei hij. “En ze zijn allemaal zeer besmettelijk. Ze reduce you in the most airways and raise the slope of less serious ziektebeelden te veroorzaken dan eerdere zorgwekkende variants”, voegde hij toe. Also: “Ze hebben allemaal mutaties waardoor ze gemakkelijker aan opgebouwde immuniteit knnen ontsnappen.”

The top man also understands that the case – over the opening of the window we are aware of – the number of Covid-19 lights has been taken, the previous week there were no more than 8,500 mensen caused by Covid-19. “Dat is three years in deze Pandemie niet aanvaardbaar”, zei hij. “Never when we only have tools that are not being used are avoided in mensenlevens te redden.” The WHO remains he verder bij landen op aandringen om een ​​op risico’s gebaseerde benadering te volgen the zowel de volksgezondheid as de human rights beschermt”
