Who ordered the posters with the NEWS cover: crossed accusations in the Government

The posters in the cities of the country are a tradition, almost an institution. But, although there is not a single person who has not seen one, most are unaware of the cost and logistics involved in wallpapering the walls of the neighborhoods. In the case of the curious posters that reproduce the cover of NEWS that appeared in the Federal Capital and surroundings on Tuesday the 14th, market estimates calculate around two million pesos. That is what comes out of taking the face of Eduardo “Wado” de Pedro and the cover of this magazine to the streets of Buenos Aires, an action in which this medium and Editorial Perfil had nothing to do with. However – and although that money invested in a bankrupt country never ceases to raise questions – the underlying issue and the doubt that dwells in the minds of the high priests of the Government, of all the ruling party, of the Minister of the Interior and also in this editorial is another. Who did it? And, above all, why?

One of the minister’s right hands says that this Tuesday was a day full of surprises. First because of the messages from curious people who consulted him about the unusual posters, and second because of the call he received at the last minute. It was “Wado”. “He asked me to find out about it, which puzzled me. Until that moment I thought it had been us,” he says. That was, of course, the original reading of the majority: the camp leader, as the cover says, is rising in the polls and several in that space imagine him to be a candidate. It is an issue thorny for De Pedro, who does not even want to talk about candidacies and swears that if it were up to him he would not be on any ticket in 2023. “How is the new candidate K doing?” She was a Chicana who received “Wado” several times since she The lid came off, as it happened in the act organized by the Foreign Ministry to remember Héctor Timerman.

But from wadism they outline a theory that has some logic. First, they assure that if it had been them, the poster would have the name of the most visible protagonist. “That is poorly done, you hardly see Wado. If we wanted promotion, the most important thing is that he be seen”, they say. And from there they draw a conclusion: whoever stuck the NEWS cover all over the City really wants to annoy or dirty the minister. That is also a reasoning with a certain sense, as the protagonist himself could testify, that since the cover and the false posters came out, he has been receiving messages of suspicion by several of his space. “Many in La Cámpora are bitching him. Think that there – more after Cristina’s last fight with the magazine – NOTICIAS is not well seen at all “, they say. In other words, according to this version, there would be several in the space who believed that it was “Wado” himself who was trying to install himself. Hence the anger.

In any case, the issue escalated to the top of the Government. Several hypotheses were woven looking for culprits. The one who almost rebounded the league is the public highway businessman Carlos Girola: several of the posters appeared printed on his posters. But Girola – who, according to some versions, would be about to sell his company to Víctor Santa María, president of the Buenos Aires PJ and secretary general of Suterh, which has been adding muscle in the advertising business – assures that he had nothing to do with it, and that the posters appeared “pasted by the free”, that is to say that they were made clandestinely. A mystery. Another targeted, almost inevitable suspect due to his career in this area, was Enrique Albistur, former secretary of Media K and off-road operator of Peronism. But “Pepe” is on the list of victims: several consulted him thinking that he was the one with the posters. Hectic week for Albistur, who in any way laughed at the palatial inmate. “He is one of the most intelligent in that space, what would be the problem that he has aspirations,” said Victoria Tolosa Paz’s husband.

Cover Nº 2355: Wado de Pedro, the unexpected candidate K

There are others, who already looked suspiciously at Wado, who do not share the thesis of innocence. “It’s him, who else is it going to be? Surely it was him, he is wanting to settle, ”said an Albertista with charge. From Interior they assure that they are doing a survey of the posters and investigating the subject to discover the author. A maze of versions, with a fake NEWS cover in the middle.

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