Who is the piquetero candidate who seeks to stay with La Matanza

Patricia “Colo” Covered explodes when asked why fernando espinoza, his rival in La Matanza, and by the so-called suburban barons. “Let’s stop fucking around with the suburban barons! Neither barons nor anything! ”, he protests. And he finishes off his opponent in the next internal elections: “There really is no one who can deny that Fernando already was.”

Cubría is the partner of Emilio Pérsico, the leader of the Evita Movementthe largest piquetero organization in the country, and is launching its candidacy in Espinoza’s land with a party fresh out of the oven and called the commons. He wants to sit in the chair of the administration that today is occupied by a historic Peronist of the Province that governs The slaughter since 2005 –with an interregnum of his political goddaughter Veronica Magario– and that he is going for another mandate.

Cubría takes care of his lexicon in the reports, except when, as now with NEWS, the question is about Espinoza’s management. So she repeats concepts such as “total wear”, “abandonment”, “unbearable situation”, “lack of leadership”, “lack of response”, “mismanagement”, “years of ill-treatment”, “absent State”… And she introduces itself as the renewal. “Peronism must be oxygenated that it has to continue making its generational change and adapting to the 21st century”, says the provincial deputy of the front of allwho in 2023 concludes his second term representing San Fernando.

If it is due to generational management, you are right that she is younger. He is 41 years old, twenty-five less than Pérsico (66), his love and political boss. For her, what is at stake here is the internal one against the old barons, which, STEP through, would demonstrate the territorial power that Evita claims to have. “We are launching an electoral and political tool. The leadership has been locking itself in its comfort zone, in its privileges, and unfortunately it has been disconnecting from daily problems”, Cubría marks.

In the mud

Power passes through the territory. El Evita, along with Barrios de Pie and the Classist and Combative Current, has a presence in all corners of the district, especially where there is not even water and they carry it. El Evita has two poles where they have craft workshops, orchards, schools for adults, a vacation camp, workshops on violence.

“Poverty, garbage and insecurity”, This is how many of the residents of La Matanza describe it, along with Saint Petersburg and Puerta de Hierro, two of the most dangerous towns in the province, led by drug trafficking gangs. It has the largest number of precarious settlements in the Conurbano, where no service reaches, and they register the worst human development indices.

covered raises the vision of Evita. From the territory, with the active presence to provide solutions to the specific needs of the most humble, a community is built, an extended family based on solidarity ties, “which are much more than labor or union relations, because one thinks of the good common in others. This is done from being there, with a presence in the real and concrete problems of millions of families that were made invisible, discriminated against and stigmatized. As we are, ”he maintains.

And he redoubles the bet: “Sometimes we are invisible to the hegemonic media, but not here. That is why we are so well positioned today. All of this matured and grew to this point, which continues to multiply. Business sectors, industrialists, local organizations, neighbors, the academic sector, the churches do not stop approaching.


Regarding the internal party, the position of the commons it is clear. They want to go to the PASO against Espinoza, and yet they justify that Axel Kicillof, the governor, do not submit to that same instance for your position. Cubría accepts Kiciloff’s re-election without inmates because he considers that he is very well positioned. “There is the pragmatism of winning and if he is in excellent condition, why are we going to avoid him”, he justifies.

Are they an instrument of The Campora to dispute the territory with Espinoza, as suggested by the meetings that took place between Persico and maximum kirchner? She denies it. “This is also why we set up the Los Comunes party, because We are not militants of Cristina or Alberto or anyone. We have that independence that has to do with the fact that we represent a sector that has other needs, that is not interested in the fight, that does not solve problems for them, that is having a very bad time from that fight ”, he assures.

If they win, the Peronist social movements, embodied in spaces like Pérsico y Señora, will be the protagonists of what is to come. For now it’s just a bet

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