Who is responsible for triple murder in Kessel-Lo? “Rikki (47) was a drug dealer and made many enemies” | Leuven

Kessel-LoWho killed Anita D. (54), her son Wesley (24) and their roommate Rikki (47) in Kessel-Lo? Investigators are now trying to find an answer. What is certain: the victims died a “violent death” and the perpetrator(s) has been at large for days. According to Kevin, brother of Wesley and son of Anita, the investigators should look in the direction of the drug environment and Rikki’s ex-girlfriend (47) also fears that his problems have become fatal for them. “When he drank, he became very aggressive and threatened people,” she says.

Joris Smets, Jeffrey Dujardin, Tim Lescrauwaet

14-06-22, 06:00

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