Who is part of Schiaretti’s army to be president?

For a long time the governor of Córdoba, Juan Schiaretti, macera a national candidacy. At some point he flirted with the possibility of being vice president in the formula of former President Mauricio Macri for the 2019 elections. And today, with no possibility of re-election in his province, the path seems marked. It is the Presidency or nothing.

In recent months, with the help of his wife, he has woven Alejandra Vigo As a skillful builder from the National Senate, a series of alliances with front-line politicians, especially in the interior of the country. The goal is to show yourself as the primus inter pares of the governors not aligned with Kirchnerism and become a presidential option with moderation and management.

March is a key month in terms of announcements, both nationally and for the Cordovan electoral calendar. And yet Schiaretti will seek to stretch a definition on his presidential candidacy (he has until the end of June) while waiting for the scenario in other provinces to clear up.

In the meantime, it will continue basting. The last wink of her was with Florencio Randazzo, the national deputy of the Federal Interblock that could be his Buenos Aires leg. “Both expressed the intention to work in a superior national space,” they reported from the Córdoba government account.

The former Minister of the Interior of Cristina Kirchner joins other Peronists with whom Schiaretti has shown harmony: the man from Salta Juan UrtubeyThe ex-president eduardo duhaldeand the head of the Commerce Guild, Armando Cavalieri, to name a few.

There was also a meeting with the San Luis governor Alberto Rodriguez Saaand with the Santa Fe Omar Perotti. And he will seek to add the wishes of the governor of San Juan, Sergio Unacand the Buenos Aires deputies Emilio Monzo and Alejandro “Topo” Rodriguez. Also the deputy Graciela Camaño, wife of Luis Barrionuevo.

Schiaretti does his assembly.

Outside the Peronist ranks, the former mayor of Rosario appears, Monica Feinand the deputy and president of the GEN, Daisy Stolbirzeras well as the neuro-radical Facundo Manes, who highlighted his good “chemistry with Schiaretti”. Both share a political consultant: William Seitathe same person who advises Perotti and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, among many other clients.

Seita and Schiaretti have known each other since the early 1990s, when they met at the Foreign Ministry under Domingo Cavallo. And precisely the former Minister of Economy of Menemism and the Alliance was one of the figures praised at the meeting of the Mediterranean Foundation last week, in which Schiaretti served as keynote speaker for the red circle present, and asked to leave behind the crack “that Kirchnerism invented.”

Schiaretti does his assembly.

“We have to put an end to ideological discussions, we have to put an end to the fact that the State must take charge of everything,” said “El Gringo”, who criticized, among other things. subsidy policy. “It is not possible for someone who can pay their electricity or gas bill to be subsidized in the same way as someone who cannot,” he noted, while leaving a definition of the plans: “Millions and Millions of compatriots have already gotten used to living on the subsidy”.

Schiaretti already runs with national spots that show the high points of his management, including thousands of kilometers of fiber optics and provincial routes. It is launched, although it has not yet been made official. “It is an electoral year where what has been built in four years of management has to be reflected in results. It seems to me that the brand of Hacemos por Córdoba is the work and implementation of public policies. Schiaretti’s is a strong public works management conceived as restitution of rights. All of this, in terms of management, has to be reflected in the election,” says Cordoba legislator Nadia Fernández.

Schiaretti and Fernandez

They are the same campaign axes as those chosen by Rodriguez Larreta, from whom the Cordovan could subtract votes if they appear because they share the same electorate of the center. Hence, perhaps, the Buenos Aires head of government has come out to criticize him harshly: “Schiaretti is contradictory. He is like a chicken, he lays his eggs on one side and screams on the other.. It is not clear what his position is. He has accompanied Kirchnerism in many positions and in others he had different points of view. He is erratic, it is not clear, ”he said. And he criticized his security management: “Today Buenos Aires has the lowest crime rate in its history, while Córdoba is more insecure every day.”

In the circle of the Buenos Aires candidate, they assure that Schiaretti does not measure at a national level more than 3 percent in the polls, because Argentine politics is very “ambalized”, and the good numbers in Córdoba, where the positive image of the governor is 54.8 points, are not extrapolated. An underestimation of the potential of the interior, they answer in Córdoba, where they count on the wear and tear of the other candidates and the appearance of the “Gringo” as the sensible bet.

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