Who is Juana Dolores, the poet who went to TV-3 to “shit on everything”?

Pissed off as she was by the results of Sunday’s elections, the writer and actress Juana Dolores, who is characterized by his irreverence, went to the set ofMonth 324‘ to promote his book and didn’t cut a hair. Despite the efforts of good Xavier Grassett for redirecting her to talk about the work, Requiem Catalan: I if one was born parade but a catifa vermella‘, The young woman, shouting “I’ve come here to shit on everything”, blurted out everything that was on her mind.

Against Xavier triayes, winner of the Barcelona elections (“to the fucking old man to see if a meteorite falls on him & rdquor;); against own Catalan regional public channel (“Let’s see if the director or the old leadership behind TV-3 resigns“) and against the capitalist system in general. So irrepressible was she that she even wished another meteorite would fall on her. the bookshelfto Ona, to show that what mattered least to him at that moment was selling his literary work

Butwho is this young woman who has starred in one of the biggest controversies on TV-3?

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Juana Dolores Romero (El Prat de Llobregat, 1992) is an actress and writer, who likes to define herself as “charnega and from the suburbs! & rdquor; and marxist. She is feminist, anti-capitalist and pro-independence, but his defense for the revolution prevails above all. In addition to defending Ada Colau. She is characterized by attacking what is politically correct and the established order, something that she usually does in her interventions on radio programs.

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It began to be known after winning the 56th edition of the Amadeu Oller Award of poetry with his work ‘Imitation jewelry’ and since 2020 he is part of the team of writers of the Galerada editorial. In his texts he exposes his political ideology, especially in the form of poems.

offbeat dramaturgy

She debuted as a playwright with the show ‘Too much of a diva for an assembly movement‘, in which she appeared on stage naked. In it, she recounts in Spanish the conflicts suffered in Catalonia by a Catalan girl who is the daughter of Andalusian emigrants. Her latest productions have been the works ‘Hit me if I’m Pretty’ and ‘Vladimir Mayakovski committed suicide for love’.

She is also the author of the piece video art ‘Cleaning‘, which is part of the virtual exhibition confinArt of the Guillem VIladot Foundation, as well as ‘Santa Barbara’ and ‘Miss Univers’. She is also the promoter of the revolutionary technique of viral poetry, an ‘online’ artistic project whose purpose is to politicize.
