Who is Hwang Hee-Chan, the star of South Korea between Haaland and Ronaldo

He was a taekwondo ace, then he saw Ronaldo at the 2002 World Cup and was “converted”: tattoos, nicknames, customs and talents of Korea’s new hero who challenges Brazil

The kimono resting on the bed and the high-heeled shoes just outside the door of the house, in full Korean style. Hee-Chan Hwang grew up between taekwondo and soccer. Up to six years old, he seemed to be a martial arts promise. Then the 2002 World Cup seen on the sofa at the grandparents’ house ignited the spark: “I want to become a footballer”. Now that child is big and he has abandoned the tatami to make his dreams come true. With his 91st-minute goal against Portugal he sent his South Korea to the round of 16: as in 2010.
