Who is going and who is not going to the October 8 demonstration against the amnesty in Barcelona?

Among the history of anniversaries that derived from the turbulent October 2017 is also that of the October 8thdate of the busiest demonstration called against the independence movement in Barcelona with Societat Civil Catalana at the helm and with the help of parties such as Ciutadans, the PP and Vox, as well as representatives of the PSC. Little remains of the photo from that time, since it has been face renewal, loss of influence and roles – the orange party is now fighting to maintain its representation and the popular ones are no longer in the Moncloa – and change of strategies as a result of a context that is not the same either. Proof of this is that, six years later, the socialists, engaged in negotiating an amnesty for the leaders of the ‘procés’ that allows the investiture of Pedro Sánchez, have deleted themselves from a photo that they consider goes against the path of the coexistence that they preach.

Neither Salvador Illa nor Josep Borrell

Six years ago, the then leader of the PSC, Michael Iceta, did not go to the demonstration on October 8. Yes, he did, after verifying that it was massive, on October 29, two days after the DUI, and where he took a ‘selfie’ with PP leaders such as Xavier Garcia Albiol, Dolors Montserrat or Enric Millo that the independentists still reproach him. But on 😯 it was Salvador Illa, then organizational secretary of the PSC, and deputies like David Perez and the former minister Celestino Corbacho before leaving the party to join the ranks of Ciutadans just a year later. This time, Illa, who is now in charge in the PSC, not only will not attend, but the party has distanced itself from a call contrary to its interests and if one of its leaders attends, he will do so. “in a personal capacity”.

The slogan of the leadership is not to do no movement that harms the negotiations for Sánchez’s investiture and puts it in danger, which is exactly what the right-wing parties are looking for by putting pressure from the streets against the dejudicialization of the ‘procés’. Significant will also be the absence of Josep Borrell, now high representative of foreign affairs and security of the EU. In 2017, his speeches against the independence parties from the scene of the different unionist demonstrations, starting with that of 8-O, were especially praised and they opened a gap never closed with the movement.

The prominence of Ayuso (and Feijóo)

The other big difference between 2017 and now is in the PP. Six years ago, the Popular Party led the fight against the ‘procés’ from the Moncloa, and only representatives of the Catalan PP attended the demonstration, with Albiol, Montserrat or Millo as the most visible faces. This Sunday, however, the PP will dress up in Barcelona. After the failure of his investiture, Alberto Núñez Feijóo announced this Monday that she would attend the SCC demonstration, thus joining – three weeks late – the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayuso, one of the first leaders of the PP to confirm her attendance and one of the harshest voices against the independence movement, in contrast to the more moderate positions of its leader. He will also be the president of the PPC, Alejandro Fernandez, increasingly confronted with Feijóo; as well as other representatives such as Manu Reyes, Daniel Sirera, Nacho Martin Blanco and the deputies of Congress and Parliament.

Although SCC has asked the parties to avoid capitalizing on the demonstration, the popular ones know that this October 8 is one of the main assets for their objective of establishing themselves as the useful vote of unionism in Catalonia and leading the battle against the amnesty . A competition that Ciutadans clearly won in 2017, and that left the PP with a token representation in Catalonia. In this framework, the Genoa leadership sees the concentration as the second part of what its party called on September 24 in Madrid, when Feijóo managed to pose with former presidents Mariano Rajoy and José María Aznar, reinforcing itself internally before the failed investiture and leaving aside criticism for his approach with Junts in the negotiations.

From Rivera and Arrimadas to a game in low hours

But it will be in the ranks of Cs where the passing of the years will be seen most, and its fall from the political ‘heaven’. With the party in full swing, Albert Rivera and Ines Arrimadas They were two of the main protagonists of the demonstration six years ago. At that time, Cs knew how to channel the discontent of an important part of the non-independence Catalans that ended up giving them victory in the Catalan elections that December, reaching 36 deputies in the Parliament of Catalonia. More than 2,000 days have passed and those figures almost seem like a dream for the orange party, which last July resigned from attending the general elections after its residual results in the municipal elections.

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However, aware that its main asset continues to be Catalonia – where it still maintains six seats -, Ciutadans will send the best-known faces that it still has among its ranks to Passeig de Gràcia. There will be, then, the general secretary of the party, Adrian Vazquezalso MEPs Jordi CanasEva Poptcheva, Maite Pagazaurtundúa, in addition to the leader of the training in Catalonia, Carlos Carrizosa and the rest of the parliamentary group.

Santiago Abascal debuts

The one who did not have any role in 2017, because they did not yet have representation, is Vox, despite the organization being present. The far-right party entered the Andalusian Parliament for the first time in December 2018 and ended up gaining prominence during the trial of the ‘procés’, where they acted as private prosecutor. Six years later, they have 33 deputies in Congress and govern several autonomous communities hand in hand with the PP. In this context, Santiago Abascal He will be one of the new faces of the demonstration on Sunday, where the general secretary of the party and leader in Catalonia will also be there, Ignacio Garrigaas well as the spokesperson Joan Garriga and the municipal leader Gonzalo de Oro.
