Who is ChatGPT co-developer Mira Murati?

• Albanian by birth and Ivy League graduate
• Murati CTO of OpenAI since May 2022

• Proponent of early AI regulation

Ivy League graduate from Tesla

Born in Albania, Mira Murati has been with OpenAI since 2018. Since May 2022, she has served as Chief Technology Officer (CTO), the highest technical management position in a company. In a technology company, this position is naturally of paramount importance. According to Murati’s LinkedIn profile, before joining OpenAI, she worked as a senior product manager at Tesla and earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Dartmouth College, an elite Ivy League university in New Hampshire. According to her own statements, she was temporarily employed by a manufacturer of VR devices.

proponent of early regulation

Murati has spoken out in favor of AI regulation on a number of occasions in the past. In an interview with Time Magazine, she advocated early regulation to reduce the dangers of AI. She does not see the potential danger that this will stifle innovation. “Given the impact these technologies will have, it’s very important that everyone starts getting involved,” she said. She is acutely aware of the potential dangers of AI. “[KI] can be abused, or it can be used by bad actors. So the question arises as to how the use of this technology can be regulated worldwide,” says Murati. She wants to counteract a one-sided focus solely on the technical effects of new AI applications. It is important that when it comes to the question of the effects on society involves various actors “such as philosophers, social scientists, artists and people from the humanities”. In the interview with Time Magazine, Murati named Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece “2001: A Space Odyssey” as her favorite film. It was released in 1968 Science fiction space epic, the possible dangers of AI are embodied by the renegade supercomputer HAL 9000.

Development process relies on public participation

In addition to the company’s open-minded approach to the potential dangers of new AI applications, the entire development process is also characterized by a very open approach. “Technical progress is also possible in a vacuum without real contacts,” Murati told FastCompany magazine. However, with this type of approach you run the risk of not knowing whether you are actually moving in the right direction. Instead, the public should be actively involved in the process. Through the exchange with the public, the AI ​​system learns from people, and the public has a better insight into the newly developing technology. So both sides would benefit. According to Murati, ChatGPT is a kind of “personal tutor” that can easily teach you complex topics through unlimited interaction.

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Image sources: Den Rise / Shutterstock.com, metamorworks / Shutterstock.com
