Who is Carlos Kirchner, Néstor’s cousin who spent two years in detention and has now been acquitted

ANDhe cousin of the late former president Néstor Kirchner, Carlos Santiago, was an official of the Ministry of Federal Planning and was acquitted by the Justice in the Highway case, the same for which he spent two years in prison. His path began in August 2016, when he was implicated in the investigation for alleged irregularities in public works.

At that time, the prosecution had requested measures to preserve his assets in the face of suspicions of corruption, That is why Carlos Santiago went to the Banco Francés, Reconquista branch, and emptied the safe deposit box he had. Some time later they would find the elastic bands in a search, which certified the hasty movement.

It would not be the only banking movement that he would make, before falling into prison. In September 2017, after his investigative statement, the former president’s cousin personally made a withdrawal from his Banco Nación savings account for 548,595.46 pesos and from one of his savings accounts in dollars for 120,802. He left both accounts without money.

In December of that year the arrest would arrive. Then they kidnapped five cars, 80 thousand dollars and 239 thousand pesos that had been kept in a safe deposit box at Banco Santa Cruz de Río Gallegos.

Nestor’s cousin would then be transferred to Ezeiza, where he would remain for almost two years, until this Wednesday, October 9, 2019. With a low profile, in Justice he always tried to show that he was being harmed by bearing the president’s last name. He did not succeed: they considered that he was a key player for Lázaro Báez (convicted along with Vice President Ccristina Kirchner for fraudulent administration in the same case) to obtain countless public works contracts.

Nestor’s cousin started working at the Ministry of Planning in August 2005 and left in December 2015. He too had his decade won.

After the 2019 primaries, Kirchnerism once again felt airy to regain power. The plain could be left behind and Carlos Santiago, at 64, no longer felt so unprotected. He was released one day after the businessmen Cristóbal López and Fabián de Sousa and became the eighth former K official released after the PASO.

by RN

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