‘Who is Angela de Jong? Just shut up!’

Bart Ettekoven, expert in Shownieuws, believes that Angela de Jong has too strong an opinion about Humberto Tan and his interview with Bilal Wahib’s victim. “Shut up!”


There is a lot of commotion about the interview that Humberto Tan conducted on television with Bilal Wahib’s now 15-year-old victim. That kid had an incredibly difficult time at the talk show table, but he showed very well what bullying does to a child. And that brave TV performance has earned him a lot of compliments.

Humberto responds

On the other hand, Humberto receives a lot of criticism from people who accuse him of seeking effect. They believe that the talk show host should never have allowed such a young boy to speak. Angela de Jong has also criticized the presenter incredibly harshly for that reason: “Poor Leonardo has fallen for something again after 2.5 years.”

Humberto shrugs off these kinds of criticisms, he says Show news. “Afterwards you can draw all kinds of conclusions, but for me his state of mind is the most important. And that there is criticism of me or the program, that is fine and that is allowed, but what you see is that people find him very brave. That is my focus.”

All signals green

Show news expert Bart Ettekoven says that Humberto and his editors worked very meticulously. “He says: ‘If only all signals were green and we really didn’t rush into it overnight…’ They spoke to a psychiatrist, they went to his house twice with editors, his parents were discussed extensively. ”

He continues: “It is completely true that a 15-year-old boy may not be able to see the consequences himself, but if anyone knows him well, it is his parents and his supervisors from the Future Face Foundation, who were also at the table with him. . They also let us know today that they are extremely satisfied and grateful with Humberto’s opportunity.”

‘Who is Angela de Jong?’

There is a lot of whining, Bart thinks. “If all parties are happy – Leonardo, his parents – who are we in the Netherlands to have any opinion about that? He wanted to make an impact, he wanted to tell his story. Well, he made that impact, so he achieved his goal.”

He continues: “Who are we and who is Angela de Jong again to write a column about that? If that boy is happy, that’s what it’s about. He is satisfied, he is happy, he is relieved that he was able to tell his story, so we must all keep our mouths shut.”


Johan Derksen’s sensational accusation against Humberto is also not justified, Bart believes. “I also watched and my first reaction was: you have to protect this boy from himself, but when Humberto Tan explains it like this and tells how thoroughly they worked…”

He concludes: “I mean: I also worked with Humberto for a long time. He really has integrity, he really doesn’t do everything for the ratings, he really won’t think: it’s good for the ratings, I’ll just throw someone under the bus.”
