Who among the zodiac signs is a victim of obsessive thoughts?

«Ctry to write about the obsessive thought in the very short time/freed from the obsessive thought». These are the words of Ottiero Ottieri, born under the sign of Aries, taken from his poetic debut book Perverse thinking. Which stages the mental intermittences, the jolts that characterize our psyche. But how many obsessions dominate us and what are the signs most influenced by this frenzy that conditions our existence?

Print by Andreas Cellarius from “Celestial Chart – Haemisphaerium Stellatum Boreale Antiquum”, 1660 (photo Almay / Ipa).

Virgo and Libra are among the first signs to stand out for the methodical repetitiveness with which they face the same problem. There Virgin it passes and repasses like a mental iron on a now dried up thought, the Balance he gets engulfed by the fury of swinging on the same doubt: “What do I do?”…

Gemini and Aquarius they escape the grip of insistence, with the evasive power of irony, they free themselves from the impulse of a thought that tends to occupy the mind. The obsessions of Bull he was born in Capricorn they are of a material nature, more greedy and consumerist. The first Earth sign insists on possessions, while Capricorn moves up and down the steps of ambition.

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Aries, Leo and Sagittarius they have a dynamic approach with obsessions, if they dribble them with a gymnastic spirit. Blowing them out in the throat with leonine pride, like torches of fire-eaters. Or facing them with the heat of desperation like the great Ottiero Ottieri.

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