White House: Russia could use chemical or biological weapons | War Ukraine and Russia

According to Psaki, this is “a false claim” by Russia that could potentially be used as a pretext to deploy chemical weapons itself in Ukraine. She also warns that the Russians could use chemical weapons “under a false flag” and then blame another country for it. In a series of tweets, the spokesman wrote that the Russian claims are “ridiculous”, but that Chinese officials are also repeating “Russian conspiracy theories”. “Now that Russia has made these false claims, and China appears to be supporting the propaganda, we should all be on the lookout for Russia’s possible use of chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine,” the spokeswoman said.

Ned Price, spokesman for the US State Department, also says that “the Kremlin is deliberately spreading outright lies† He said “Russian disinformation” about US support for biological weapons in Ukraine is “absolute nonsense”. He added that Russia is “known for accusing the West of crimes it commits itself.”
