White House: G7 countries impose new sanctions on Russia

This was announced by the White House in Washington on Sunday. The heads of government of the G7 countries had previously spoken to the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in a switching conference. According to the US government, the sanctions are aimed, among other things, at the important Russian energy sector.

The NATO states USA, Canada, France, Great Britain, Italy and Germany as well as Japan belong to the group of seven leading democratic industrial nations. In a joint statement, the G7 states announced further support for Ukraine and condemned Russia. “We are appalled by the massive loss of life, the attack on human rights and the destruction caused by the Russian actions in Ukraine.”

The White House announced that all G7 countries committed themselves on Sunday to phasing out or banning the import of Russian oil – the USA itself has already imposed a corresponding import ban. In Brussels, the EU countries are also negotiating an oil embargo against Russia and other punitive measures. Recently there was still a dispute about exemptions from the import ban for countries such as Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bulgaria. Discussions on this are expected to continue next week.

A US official also announced a ban on providing business services to companies or individuals in Russia. Services in the areas of accounting, management, consulting or marketing are affected. The US would also impose sanctions on three of the major television channels directly or indirectly controlled by President Vladimir Putin’s government: Pervy Kanal. Rossiya-1 and NTV. Advertising orders from the USA should not be placed with these “Kremlin mouthpieces”, nor should US technology be supplied for broadcasting.

The US official said the US would further tighten its export controls to weaken Russia’s war effort. Wood products, industrial engines and rum vehicles are affected. In addition, sanctions would be imposed on managers of the largest and third largest Russian banks, Sberbank and Gazprombank. “The message is that if Putin’s invasion continues, there will be no safe haven for the Russian economy.” The other G7 countries announced similar measures in the area of ​​business services and against Russian banks and Russian propaganda and disinformation.

The White House said: “Our unprecedented sanctions are already taking an immense toll on Russia’s economy.” Export controls would cut off important technology from Russia. “Putin’s war is expected to wipe out the economic gains of the past 15 years in Russia.” Two important Russian tank factories stopped working because they lacked foreign components. Almost 1000 companies left Russia. “Putin did not achieve his original military goal of dominating Ukraine – but he managed to turn Russia into a global pariah.”

Western countries have already imposed tough sanctions on Russia because of Russia’s war of aggression. Germany currently holds the G7 presidency and is hosting the group’s next summit in Bavaria at the end of June.



Image sources: danielo / Shutterstock.com, PromesaArtStudio / Shutterstock.com
