White House asks US Congress to allocate $6.4 billion to Ukraine

Of these, according to the agency, $ 2.9 billion will go to defense needs and assistance to neighboring states in Eastern Europe, another $ 3.5 billion will go to the Pentagon. The funds may be in addition to the $600 million that the United States has already allocated to Ukraine

The White House has asked the US Congress to allocate $6.4 billion to provide financial assistance to Ukraine, the agency reports. Bloomberg with reference to a representative of the presidential administration.

The funds will be used to resolve the Ukrainian crisis. Also, money is needed to help neighboring states in Eastern Europe and support the Pentagon. Of these, $2.9 billion will go to humanitarian needs and ensuring the security of Ukraine, Poland and other neighboring countries. Another $ 3.5 billion will receive the US Department of Defense in order to effectively respond to the crisis.

Biden instructs Ukraine to provide “immediate assistance” in the amount of $600 million

According to the agency, last year the United States provided Kiev with $650 million in security funds and $52 million in humanitarian aid.

Earlier, US President Joe Biden instructed to allocate $600 million to Ukraine, of which $350 million should be spent on defense, Washington promised to provide the remaining $250 million free of charge. To do this, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken must determine whether such gratuitous aid is in the country’s security interests.
