Which sport to choose according to your needs -iO Woman

T.ra i good resolutions for September there is often that of start practicing physical activity: but which sports choose? Whether it is getting in shape rather than dealing with those small but annoying ailments from which one suffers in everyday life, the choice of the activity to practice it should be well thought out.

If it is now known, in fact, that a sedentary lifestyle is the number one enemy of our health, what we tend to overlook is that for make the most of the many benefits of physical activity you have to carefully choose which one to dedicate constancy and energy to.

There are many factors to consider: the goals you want to achievefirst of all, but also the starting conditions, since very often you have been out of practice for some time, and, of course, also your personal inclinations.

For better orient yourself in choosing the right sport and avoid missteps that risk destroying all good intentions and frustrating all efforts, with the help of female doctor Elisa Bettoni, specialist of Physical and rehabilitation medicine of the Humanitas Gradenigo hospital in Turin, have tried to provide some useful suggestions.

Which sport to choose against a sedentary lifestyle

Having put the desire to do physical activity among the good intentions of September can already be considered a step forward to counteract the sedentary lifestyle which, despite the appeals of the experts, continues to be one of the great problems of our times.

According to Istat datain fact, they are over 19 million Italiansprecisely 33.7% of the population aged 3 and over, who in 2021 did not practice sports or physical activity in their free time.

The most sedentary would seem to be precisely the women: 36.9% against 30.3% of men.

The European Week of Sport

It was born precisely with the intent of promote the benefits of sporting activity me too’European Week Of Sport – EWOSthe event launched by the European Union in 2015, which is also held this year since 23 to 30 September.

Many planned initiatives (available on www.sportesalute.eu) which are intended to reiterate the importance of physical activity to reach a healthier lifestyle And get physical but also mental benefits.

Which sport to choose when out of practice

But if moving is essential, come on what activity should people who restart to play sports after a long period of sedentary lifestyle aim for?

More than the choice of sport in itself, it is good to keep in mind some useful recommendations. First of all: try not to start with too ambitious intentions that would only end up inducing you to throw in the towel after a short time.

Among the factors to consider, the frequency. Better to start by planning a maximum of 20 minutes of training 3 days a week: in this way you will give the body, especially the muscles and heart, time to get used to and at the same time there will be some rest days useful for recovery which is basic.

Also the intensity, that is the level of effort put in place during physical activity must follow a gradual path: it is better to start with a light activity and increase up to a moderate activity. Pay close attention to do not overdo it because aiming for a high intensity right away requires Not just an important muscular effort but also a certain cardiac strain: parameters that, when out of training, must be kept under control.

Women's fitness: exercises that are good for women

Warming up and stretching: never forget it

Another mistake that we tend to commit often, especially when we haven’t trained for a long time, is that of neglecting the initial warm-up which is an important practice. They can be enough even 5-10 minutes of heating before the activity to avoid running into muscle injuries and other injuries.

Also 10 minutes of final stretching they can help you to gradually reduce your heart rate, relax your muscles and try to avoid muscle pain.

Which sport to choose? Combining business with pleasure is the winning move

A detail not to be overlooked is that often, in the wake of good intentions, courses are started with great enthusiasm but end up abandoning them after a few months. To limit this risk is essential focus on an activity that is enjoyable and engaging: before jumping headlong into a new sport, therefore, better give yourself time to try and evaluate if it can be the most suitable for own inclinations.

Which sport to choose: beware of false myths

At the same time, also pay attention to choosing a sport on the basis of beliefs that are not entirely correct.

The classic mistake? Choose the I swim because it is considered to be the ideal sport, complete, balanced and perfect for making the whole organism work in a harmonious way.

These are undoubtedly true statements but it should not be overlooked that they also exist cases where swimming is not recommended: it can be, for example, contraindicated in the presence of heart problems but not only. Who suffers from scoliosis as of osteoarticular pains or problems with shoulderwhich may be made worse especially by backstroke swimming, he should turn to another kind of sport.

Avoid improvisation

More generally, in the choice and practice of a sporting activity, improvisation should always be avoided. Even it yoga which is a practice whose benefits are often emphasized, involves a type of exercise that, especially if you are a beginner, it is good to always perform under the supervision of expert teachers who can correct any mistakes that are made in performing the different asanas, thus preventing injuries or strains.

In case of ailments it is better to consult a specialist

Finally for those suffering from ailments such as cervical problems or frequent back pain it can be important consult a specialist that he knows suggest the most suitable type of physical training and provide advice for proper preparation.

An evaluation by the physiatrist or of sports doctor it can help you choose the most suitable sport and, in particular, it can define the activities to avoid. Lose weight, tone or improve posture: in the gallery above, here is a guide to suggested sports activities based on different needs.

