Which fruit contains the most vitamin C? Tip: it’s not the lemons | Cooking & Eating

Wannes Keulemans can already confirm that there is indeed a lot of vitamin C in citrus fruits. He is a professor and plant biotechnician at the University of Leuven. Primarily, vitamin C is helpful for the ingredients themselves, he explains. “It’s not for nothing that we squeeze a lemon over chicory, for example. The antioxidant prevents browning in these types of products.” Also in the growing process of citrus fruits themselves, the importance of the vitamin cannot be underestimated. “In stressful situations, just think of a plant that is in direct sunlight all day, the fruit produces harmful ‘oxygen radicals’. Through a complex system of antioxidants such as vitamin C, the plant is able to neutralize these toxic substances and prevent the oxidation of the fruit.”
