Which Argentine Presidents received the winning Selection

This Tuesday, the president Alberto Fernandez He became the only president in the history of the World Cups who could not receive a world champion soccer team. Since Angela Merkel either Fernando Henrique Cardoso until Raúl Alfonsín, and even dictators like benito mussolini They were able to entertain their national teams.

The Argentine president had highlighted as “a different December” to the celebration for the Argentine National Teamchampion of the world Cupbut could not receive the set of Lionel Messi in Balcarce 50. Not only was he left without the institutional image in the Casa Rosada, but he was also unable to receive them when they landed at the airport or go to the property of Ezeiza to congratulate the footballers.

Throughout history, other heads of state were able to celebrate the world title with their teams, such as the Brazilian joao goulartin 1962, the Italian Sandro Pertiniin 1982 or the German prime minister, Helmuth Schmidt, in 1974; . Among the dictators who had the photo with the most precious football trophy are the Brazilian Emílio Garrastazu Medici, in 1970; the italian fascist benito mussolini, in 1938; or the military Jorge Rafael Videlain 1978.

In Argentina, Raul Alfonsin opened the doors of the Casa Rosada in 1986 so that the ensemble led by Diego Armando Maradona celebrate obtaining the trophy in Mexico. Even the radical president had been very critical of the coach’s performance Carlos Salvador Bilardo in the playoffs.

the case of the dictator Jorge Rafael Videla reflects the harsh and authoritarian years of the National Reorganization Processhe himself was directly in charge, being the president of the host country, of delivering the cup to the captain Daniel Pasarella in 1978. A controversial World Cup from the international political scene that the same national government decided to confront with its propaganda and its most remembered slogan “Argentines are rights and human”.

In this way, Alberto Fernandez he failed to get the photo he was looking for, nor did he receive the Argentine team at the Casa Rosada after the consecration. The resistance of the campus and the leadership of the AFA to pose with political leaders during the celebrations for the title frustrated the plans of the administration of the front of all and the same ex-president, Mauricio Macri, who was in full stay in the Asian country.

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