‘Whether Mattie Valk’s listening figures go down after juice?’

Jan Paparazzi does not expect that the intense juice about Mattie Valk will have an effect on the listening figures of his program. “It’s about the music and the atmosphere in his program.”

© Ruud Baan, RTL

Yvonne Coldeweijer has spread particularly intense juice about Mattie Vlak, the big star of radio station Qmusic. According to her, he lied about his twin drama and left those two little ones at a particularly inappropriate time. She thinks he is a ‘disgustingly bad person’ for that reason. “I’m just sick of it.”

Sleaze & dirt

According to media journalist Mark Koster, this juice about Mattie is not gossip, but a fact (‘this is certain, because there are ten sources’). Will this have an effect on the listening figures of his program?

Jan Paparazzi, presenter of Sterren NL Radio and formerly known as Robert Jensen’s sidekick, thinks not. He says in New Rev: “I don’t think the private sleaze & dirt about Mattie has consequences for his listening figures. Because whether he visits a hockey club or a couples club in his spare time, it is about the music and the atmosphere in his program.”

‘Enormous egoist’

Presenter Dennis Schouten has doubts about that. He thinks that Mattie’s image has indeed been damaged, he says in the same magazine. “I can understand that you don’t feel like taking care of someone else’s disabled children, but then you shouldn’t first try to draw positive attention to you during the pregnancy of those twins.”

He continues: “Mattie turns out to be a huge selfish person. That man wants to pretend to be good, but he’s not a good person. It is unfortunate and painful what he has done. I find him an opportunistic Pharisee.”


Mattie gets upset socials still waylaid by people who find him a reprehensible man. According to Evert Santegoeds, that goes too far. “How he has now come under fire is beyond all limits.”

Fortunately, Mattie gets support from his colleagues. The morning after the juice bomb went off, he found a sweet note on his mixing desk. He told that himself on the radio, when everyone had to tell about the last picture in their phone. Obviously pre-produced, Yvonne states in her podcast.


Mattie on a green scooter:
