Where will the mask continue to be mandatory from April 19?


Act at 11:55


The Minister of Health, Carolina Dariashas confirmed that the mask will continue to be mandatory on all public transport “no exceptions”as well as in health centers, services and establishments, including pharmacies.

“It will be mandatory inside health centres, services and establishments. That is to say, in hospitals, in health centers, blood transfusions and it will be compulsory in pharmacies, such as health establishments to which people who are also vulnerable go,” the minister assured in an interview in El País.

The royal decree that the Council of Ministers will approve next Tuesday will also maintain mandatory use in transport “by plane, by rail, by bus, by metro and by boat, indoors, as long as you cannot maintain that distance of one meter and means, medium”. “There is no exception in public transport. In all you have to take it”, ditch.


Meanwhile, at work they will be the prevention services of each company those that determine the obligation based on the circumstances where it is developed.

“Apart from there, it will be a responsible use, especially for vulnerable people,” said Darias who, however, does not rule out that it is necessary to go back with this relaxation at some point and that Health is considering “the forecast of any scenario”.

In addition, the minister opens the door to a fourth dose of the vaccine against covid-19, something that the vaccine conference will begin to assess starting next week to give it to other groups in addition to the immunosuppressed who already they receive it, “for example, for people over 80 years old”.
