Where is the coffee stored? One place is definitely the worst

Finland is still the number one country in the world: we drink more coffee than any other country.

A Finn drinks 28 cups of coffee a week. So it is not the same how we store coffee or how we brew it. Of course, we want the four cups of coffee you drink a day to also taste good.

Coffee roaster Arvid Nordquist’s press release states that coffee’s worst enemy is oxygen.

As soon as the coffee package is opened, the essential oils of the coffee begin to oxidize and the taste gradually deteriorates. Coffee should always be stored in its own packaging, in an airtight jar with a lid.

The coarseness of grinding the coffee beans depends on what kind of coffee you are making. Adobe Stock / AOP

– Coffee is best kept cool. There may be a slight benefit to storing coffee in the refrigerator, but only if it doesn’t come into contact with strong odors like blue cheese and onions. The worst possible place to store a coffee can is near the stove, says coffee expert and Arvid Nordquist Finland’s country manager Cecilia Mérus in the bulletin.

Rinse the residual water from the coffee maker

The quality of the water directly affects the taste of the coffee, because a cup of coffee is 98.2 percent water. Coffee should always be brewed with clean and cold water. And water should not be poured into the kettle with anything other than a clean container.

Mérus reminds in the announcement that so-called residual water remains in the coffee machines after each brewing in order for the machine to function properly.

If the kettle has not been used for several weeks, it is recommended to run only clean water through the kettle first to ensure a good coffee taste.

– If the summer cottage does not have heating in winter, you should pour out the residual water from the coffee maker before winter comes, so that it does not break the maker when it freezes, advises Mérus in the press release.

Check with a kitchen scale that your coffee measure contains 7 grams of coffee. Measuring the water tank is also easy. Pour exactly half a liter of water into the kettle and check that it is at the four cup mark. Adobe Stock / AOP

How to make good coffee?

The correct dose of coffee is 7 grams of coffee powder per 1.25 deciliters of water.

Fuller coffee is not created by adding more coffee powder. It just makes the coffee more bitter. The right way is to change the coffee powder to a darker roast.

In Finland, light-roasted coffee is the most popular filter coffee, but the popularity of dark-roasted coffees is growing rapidly.

The new light-roasted Delicada coffee, developed by Swedish coffee roaster Arvid Nordquist together with Finnish coffee experts, is coming to the coffee shelf.

The origin, variety and quality of the coffee beans significantly affect the taste of the coffee. Roasting is an important step in coffee production. When roasted, raw coffee turns from green to brown.

After roasting, the coffee is ground very fine, fine, semi-coarse or coarse depending on the intended use.
