Where is that party? So many Zoetermeerders blow out the candles at the same time as you

You may feel like the only birthday boy on your birthday, but nothing could be further from the truth. There are many more Zoetermeer residents who also blow out the candles on your day. Curious how many there are in Zoetermeer? Then read on quickly!

May is the month in which most Dutch people have their birthday, but if the number of days per month is taken into account, September wins. If you look per municipality, there are differences with the national figures. Curious about the situation in Zoetermeer?

That’s how it’s calculated

The figures are based on the average number of birthdays per month. The total number of birthdays in a month is divided by the total number of days in the month. If you enter your date of birth in the search tool, you will see the absolute number of birthdays per day in the municipality of Zoetermeer.

This is how it is in Zoetermeer

In general, most babies are born in the (late) summer. Fewer babies are born in October, November and December. In no municipality is one of those months a peak month. In Zoetermeer, September has the most birthdays on average, 8,957 Zoetermeer residents will be one year older in that month, just like nationally. That’s about 299 a day. In the province of South Holland, an average of 8,554 people have a birthday in September.

Most people have their birthday on 3 October in Zoetermeer, namely 365 Zoetermeerders. But January 17 (320), April 28 (320), August 31 (325) and September 10 (337) are also popular dates. Only 190 townspeople were born on January 1. This is often due to the fact that no births are planned for in the hospital.

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And so it is on your birthday

But how many Zoetermeer residents do you cut the birthday cake with at the same time? You can find out by entering the date of your birthday in the search tool below. You can see exactly how many people are hanging the garlands at the same time in the Netherlands, in the province of South Holland and in the municipality of Zoetermeer.

About the numbers

The figures come from Statistics Netherlands. This institute counted the people who were born in the Netherlands and who were still living here on January 1, 2022. That number equates to just over 15 million people. The actual number of birthdays per city is therefore higher, because the Netherlands has almost 18 million inhabitants.

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