Where has disappeared from cat hotel Chiel, the living tribute to Emmy’s deceased colleague?

They thought they had left their Chiel safe at cat hotel Bollie in Benningbroek, but now Emmy de Vries’s cat from Nibbixwoud is one of the five missing cats. He is the living tribute to a deceased colleague and purchased from his legacy. “We hope with all our hearts that Chiel will come back.”

While enjoying their holiday in the South of France, Emmy from Nibbixwoud was shocked by the missing of their pet. Owner Saskia Brasser of the cat hotel in Benningbroek discovered last Saturday that the mesh of the cat run had been cut open. A total of seven cats disappeared, two have since been found. “I searched all over the area,” said Saskia rather against NH. It is not known whether theft or foul play is involved.

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One of the cats that was taken or escaped is Chiel from Nibbixwoud. He is a long haired Ragdoll. “We are really sick of Chiel being gone. It really is a very sweet hangover,” says owner Emmy de Vries from her holiday address, about 1,200 kilometers from home. She feels powerless. “It feels strange to be able to do nothing and leave fate to others.”

Because Chiel is not just a hangover. It is a living tribute to a beloved colleague who bore the same name. In 2018 he passed away from cancer. “He had little contact with his family and divided the inheritance among all colleagues. He was really a cat friend. We bought Chiel from his inheritance,” she says. There is a moment of silence. “They are very similar in character.”

Messages widely shared

It is waiting for a golden tip or the redeeming phone call. “He is chipped and the data is properly registered,” she says. Help comes from all sides. Kater Chiel has been on social media with his characteristic head in recent days and those messages are shared en masse. Flyers are also distributed in the neighborhood by neighbors, friends and family. “Fortunately, we have neighbors in Nibbixwoud who are now going to distribute flyers and occasionally they cycle past the hotel to call our cat Chiel.”

Chiel also stayed in the cat hotel last year. “He really enjoyed himself there.” She therefore feels very sorry for owner Saskia, who has hardly slept for days. “We hope with all our hearts that Chiel and the other cats will return home safely. That we will be called with the message: ‘He is fit again at home and he is eagerly awaiting your return’.”
