Where foxes and hedgehogs say good night to each other in Berlin

By Mary-Lou Künzel

Read who Claudia Seidler visits in her Müggelheim garden every evening…

Some Berliners have really wild neighborhoods. Just like Claudia Seidler (64) from Müggelheim. In the meantime fox and hedgehog say good night to her.

The first visitor stopped by her surprisingly two months ago. “Out in the garden I suddenly kicked a hedgehog,” she says. “He was so small and weak, I wanted to help him get back on his feet.”

Thanks to a cat bell, Claudia Seidler (64) knows immediately when the animals are at the door

Thanks to a cat bell, Claudia Seidler (64) knows immediately when the animals are at the door Photo: Olaf Selchow

Since then, the hedgehog has come to visit almost every evening and fetched his meal.

“He now weighs around 1200 grams,” says the animal lover. “He likes poultry best. I did some reading and found out that cat food is okay.” Her three kitties are happy to share this with the hedgehog.

And the fox? He’s been coming to the garden regularly lately. But Claudia Seidler prefers not to feed him.

From a safe distance, she watches the dissimilar friends before it’s time for everyone to go to sleep…

Feeding prohibited!

Wild animals such as foxes, martens or raccoons are no longer uncommon in Berlin. However, it is important to get used to these treats, which are not intended to be nice to humans, emphasizes the wildlife advisory service of the Nature Conservation Union (NABU): “Wild animals have strategies to deal with food shortages. When we feed them, they lose their innate shyness, and that can be problematic for humans and animals alike.”

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