Where are the good arguments of the advocates of compulsory vaccination?

A power struggle is raging in the Bundestag over the legal obligation to vaccinate against Covid-19. The proponents in particular don’t seem very credible, says Gunnar Schupelius.

On Thursday, the Bundestag will decide whether vaccination against Covid-19 will become a legal obligation.

It should be a free vote, without party pressure, without the parties setting the direction. Each of the 736 MPs should decide according to their own convictions.

There are several applications. The spectrum ranges from the Greens, who are demanding total vaccination for everyone over the age of 18, to large parts of the FDP and AfD, who basically consider a Covid vaccination to be a private decision. As a compromise, compulsory vaccination from the age of 50 is brought into play.

I feel directly addressed, because I’m older than 50 years. In my age group and above, the vaccination rate is up to 90 percent. So what’s the problem? The advocates of mandatory vaccination do not convince me.

Your arguments are in vain. They warn of an overload in the intensive care units and the impending triage, i.e. that not all Covid patients can be cared for. This overload has not occurred once in two Corona years, nobody was turned away in the hospital.

The then Health Minister Spahn (CDU) announced this after the first Corona winter in April 2021, when there was no vaccination at all, and that also applies to the second Corona winter, which is behind us.

The proponents of compulsory vaccination warn of the failure of “critical infrastructure” if too many health workers, firefighters and police officers fall ill. Such an emergency never arose.

“Solidarity” and the protection of others, which would make compulsory vaccination necessary, are no longer argued. Because it has turned out that the Covid vaccination does not prevent infection and therefore does not stop the spread of the virus.

Read all of Gunnar Schupelius’ columns

It also does not protect against an illness, but at best against a severe course. The much-celebrated vaccination has disappointed most expectations. And the side effects are not talked about, they are not researched by the government.

The government is spreading biased and even questionable information. Health Minister Lauterbach (SPD) speaks of “200 to 300 Covid deaths per day”. This is a misleading half-truth. Because there is still no separation between those who die because of Covid and those who die for another reason but are also infected with Covid. The adjusted number of deaths is not mentioned. The minister omits that.

The pro-vaccination advocates want to bang their heads through the wall, their zeal is downright frightening. Such a deep encroachment on the body, on health, on people’s private spheres, it is better to justify them or not to even consider them.

Is Gunnar Schupelius right? Call: 030/2591 73153 or email: [email protected]

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