When they enable the form to maintain electricity and gas subsidies

In mid-June, the Government announced that in order to maintain the subsidy of the State in the services of electricity and gas will have to fill a form. But it has not yet been enabled and the date on which the bills without the state benefit will begin to arrive is getting closer. It was her own economy minister, Silvina Batakis, which reported that starting next Friday the document will be enabled for all those users who do not qualify within the highest income group in the country. The segmentation “will be implemented as established by the decree 332/22”, assured the minister.

Who will lose subsidies?

According to decree 322/22, the richest 10% of the country will lose all access to subsidies. In other words, those who meet any of the following requirements: who have net monthly income greater than 3.5 Total Basic Baskets (350 thousand pesos), holders of three or more cars with less than five years old; holders of three or more properties; owners of one or more aircraft or luxury boats, and/or owners of corporate assets that show full economic capacity. The rest of the population will be able to register to request that the benefit be maintained.

Where, when and how to register to keep the subsidy

As announced by Batakis, starting next Friday the Energy Subsidy Access Registration form (RASE) will be enabled, and those who intend to maintain the subsidies will be able to access it online at https://www.argentina.gob.ar/subsidios and can also be accessed through the app My Argentinain the section of My Procedures. Those who do not have internet access or wish to do so in person may do so at the offices of ANSES or electricity and gas distribution companies.

I am a tenant, do I have to fill it out too?

Yes, those who rent must also complete the registration regardless of whether or not the service is in their name, since the form allows them to register as a “user of the services”. In this way, the subsidy for tenants or residents will be maintained, as long as they do not belong to the high-income group. From the Secretary of Energy they advanced that no residential user will be required to show the rental contract. They will only have to state that the house is not theirs.

What data and documentation must be on hand to fill out the form

Very important: have at hand the DNI and electricity and gas billssince data from them will be requested

The data they will request:
-DNI and number Procedure of the same
-Name and surname
-Date of Birth
-Socioeconomic data
-Employment situation
-Contact information
-Address and Postal Code
-Relationship with the address (if you rent or own)
-Data of the Electricity and Gas service
-Data of the living group

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