When the prostitute comes to the nursing home

By Pauline von Pezold

Stephanie Klee (61) is a sexual assistant. The type of service she provides is the same as that of a sex worker. The only difference: The customers don’t come to her brothel, but she visits them. In the hospital, hospice, nursing home or retirement home.

Klee has been working as a prostitute for a long time. As she got older, the customers she already had at the brothel also got older. Some moved to retirement homes – so she started offering her services there too.

While a few regular customers inquire about Stephanie Klee themselves, new customers usually do so directly through the nursing home. For most customers, however, it only lasts one to three visits. “At that age, when you are approaching death, you want to experience certain things again,” says Klee, “you want to go to the brewery again, visit the cathedral, go on a boat trip – and so you also want to experience sexuality again .”

Because she also visits clients in nursing homes, the youngest are around 30 years old. Her oldest client was 92 and she accompanied him until his death. The expert: “We have to say goodbye to the fact that people who go to retirement or nursing homes no longer have sexuality. It is well proven that this is not the case.”

At one point, senior center staff covered the costs

Klee speaks openly about her services: from touching yourself naked to massages to sexual intercourse – around two thirds of older customers still want this.

The first visit costs 250 euros per hour. After that, she can reduce accordingly, depending on what is wanted. Most of the time, customers pay the fee themselves, sometimes relatives do too. Klee: “In one case, the senior center staff threw it together and gave it to the gentleman for his birthday.”

But not every care facility is open to this important topic. According to Klee, there are cases of dementia sufferers who no longer have certain feelings of shame and then sexually harass carers or other residents of the home – but it doesn’t even have to get that far.

“The first signals are often overlooked and then abnormalities and attacks simply occur – and only then do the facilities realize that I, or sexual assistance, still exist,” says Klee.
