When Jope Ruonansuu no longer feared death, brother Seppo knew the end was near

The artist Jope Ruonansuu died in the summer of 2020. Now a documentary has been made about him, which tells the comedian’s story from behind the scenes.

On July 18, 2020, it was reported that the artist Jorma “Jope” Ruonansuu had died. The comedian, who suffered from esophageal cancer, was exhausted in the face of a long illness and fell asleep at the age of 56.

Seppo Ruonansuu was staring at the sea at the cottage. Ulla’s sister had called a moment earlier with the sad news. It was hard to believe what had happened – after all, Jope had promised to come visit the island. Dozens of butterflies were flying in the yard, which were like a last greeting from big brother.

The rotund boy who was bullied in school had become an artist loved by the whole nation. About the same boy who hid his difficulties at school, as well as how sick he was at the end.

Coming to cinemas now Come on -documentary in which, in addition to the artist, his family and close friends and colleagues get to speak. Seppo Ruonansuu and the scriptwriter of the documentary Mika Räinä are sitting in the cabinet of a Helsinki hotel remembering the late folk artist, friend and brother.

– He did all that without going to any schools and completely self-taught. Jope was such a curious person, Räinä remembers his friend.

Mika Räinä and Seppo Ruonansuu. Räinä has also scripted the Jopet show program. Jenni Gästgivar

The scars of bullying

The Ruonansuide family lived in Kemi, where seven siblings lived with their parents in a detached house. Jope was the humorist of his family, always coming up with new pranks, jokes and crazy things.

However, the life of the cheerful comedian in the family was not easy in the school world. Jope’s slight overweight caused the other children to pick on him and continue to bully him at school all the way to vocational school. However, Jope hid the bullying from his family and did not tell about his experiences at home.

– At home, he always made up all the jokes and stuff. Even the parents didn’t know about the bullying, they knew how to keep it inside, although of course it wasn’t right.

Jope also suffered from being overweight as an adult, which was turned into jokes on several occasions. Ruonansuu also started talking about bullying and doing active work against it, but the scars of bullying traveled along the journey for a long time.

In 2015, Ruonansuu underwent gastric bypass surgery, i.e. so-called bariatric surgery. The weight dropped by tens of kilos, but at the same time a certain image melted away.

– The nice thing about it was that it was a bit round, Seppo states.

20220208 Helsinki, Jope Ite dokkari, Seppo Ruonansuu PHOTO: JENNI GÄSTGIVAR/ILTALEHTI Jenni Gästgivar

He himself, like other close ones, had a negative attitude towards the whole operation. He tried to get his brother to reverse the decision.

– For some reason it wanted to go there. Would it have been when Veskuk had also gone through the same surgery and Jopehan admired Vesku in many ways.

The surgery did not go without problems, as it resulted in complications that even took him to intensive care. The esophagus was tested due to various operations, and later the close circle has pondered whether the operation was the impetus for Jope’s esophageal cancer.

– Of course, it’s just a suspicion that can’t be proven, but it certainly occurred to me, Seppo continues.

Räinä also did not support going to surgery. In retrospect, he has pondered a big question that goes back to Jope’s childhood traumas.

– If he hadn’t been bullied at school about his weight, would he have suffered from it so much that he would seek such an operation?

In addition to work, Räinä was a close friend of Jope. Jenni Gästgivar

The direction changes

Ruonansuu’s health had been traveling even before the complications caused by weight loss surgery and the cancer diagnosis. He had suffered from pancreatitis and had a heart attack. The situation was not helped by heavy alcohol consumption.

– Back then, in the 1980s and 90s, Jope took so much that he didn’t really see a clear day, Räinä admits.

Most of the performances were in nightclubs and bars, so the environment also affected lifestyles.

– It didn’t really know how to say no back then at the barracks. But I learned that later, Räinä continues.

Seppo believes that alcohol consumption decreased due to health concerns and family additions. The arrival of the children put a stop to it, and the man no longer took his brother with him for “drinking”, i.e. getting drunk for long periods of time.

– She didn’t want to hang out in bars anymore when the first child was born.

Jope’s fate saddens Seppo. Jenni Gästgivar

Butterflies on the island

In 2018, Ruonansuu was diagnosed with an aggressive cancerous tumor in the esophagus. It started a downward spiral, where the artist’s condition finally collapsed towards death.

Still, Jope managed to pour faith into his loved ones. There was always a new medicine, a new treatment method or a belief in healing.

– It never told how painful it really was, Räinä says.

Seppo had also worked together with his brother for a long time and kept in touch with him almost every day anyway. He hadn’t thought about the possibility of death himself, until his brother said something to stop him.

– When it once said that it is no longer afraid of death. That’s when I thought he’s really sick.

– But he didn’t tell anyone that the game is over, Räinä adds.

20220208 Helsinki, Jope Ite dokkari, Seppo Ruonansuu PHOTO: JENNI GÄSTGIVAR/ILTALEHTI Jenni Gästgivar

In mid-July 2020, the brothers spoke on the phone. Jahka Jope your token, he too would visit the cottage where Seppo was staying. A few days later, the yard was suddenly filled with butterflies and a mischievous wasp stung Sepo’s wife Maria on the head.

Just a couple of minutes later the phone rang. Joe was dead. Seppo couldn’t help but think if the brother really fulfilled his promise and came to visit the island.

– And at the same time you hooked Maria in the head!

At one time, Seppo was also the driver of the Jope concert bus and even played as a tour drummer. They made music together and even the drums changed from homemade to real ones. Despite working together, he has always looked up to his older brother.

– Of course you are proud of it. The guy did everything he could.

Jope Ite documentary in cinemas on February 10.
