When it comes to donations, things are sometimes unbureaucratic in Berlin

Fast, effective, unbureaucratic: The district office of Pankow surprises with an unusual “administrative assistance”: Within a week, employees collected donations for a hospital in the Ukraine.

“One transport trip will not be enough to drive things to the border,” says Julia Stütz (39), medical assistant in the child and youth health service. Born in Ukraine, she came to Berlin for love 15 years ago. She hears the sad reports every day from her brother, aunts, uncles and friends in her home country.

“I didn’t want to stand by and watch,” says her colleague Sabrina Röseler (45). She initiated an appeal for donations, supported by the head of the health department, Claudia Krummacher (40). She informed all employees of the district office via the intranet.

So many donations came together in the authority!  (photo: christian lohse)
So many donations came together in the authority! (photo: christian lohse)

The head of office on the BZ: “The humanitarian situation on site is getting worse every day. What makes us depressed, worried and stunned, but not powerless! As colleagues and friends in the health department, we would like to make a small contribution to humanitarian aid.”

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Many employees followed the call. The storage room quickly filled up with over 100 boxes! Duvets, disinfectants, medicines, warm clothes.

In front of the health department in Pankow, a van is filled with the donations from the employees (photo: christian lohse)
In front of the health department in Pankow, a van is filled with the donations from the employees (photo: christian lohse)

On Friday, 25 government employees pitched in to fill the van. It is around 800 kilometers to the Ukrainian border. Stütz uses personal contacts to speed up the transport: “A friend’s son is a border official. Because the transporter is not allowed to go to Ukraine, the boxes have to be reloaded and transported to a hospital in Kowell in western Ukraine.”

Berlin is proud of authorities like these!
