When is the best time to prune the ambulance tree?

10/27/2023 at 16:38


It is said that this tree gives good luck to the people who own it.

It is said that the person who owns a tree of abundance (Portulacaria afra) will be lucky for as long as the plant lasts. In this way, it is essential to carry out good pruning, so that the useful life of the tree is as long as possible. Whether you believe this myth or not, if you have a tree of abundance, you will want to know how to prune it and what time of year is best to do it..

  1. Suitable tools: Make sure you have clean, sharp pruning tools on hand, such as pruning shears or a hand pruner. This will prevent unnecessary damage to the plant.
  2. Objective of the pruning: Pruning the tree of plenty can be done for several reasons, such as shaping it, removing dead or diseased branches, or controlling its size. Before you begin, decide the purpose of pruning.
  3. Pruning to shape: If you are pruning to shape the tree, look for branches that are spreading haphazardly or in an unwanted direction and cut them along their point of attachment to the main trunk or main branch.
  4. Maintenance pruning: Eliminate dead or diseased branches by cutting them near their base. This will promote the overall health of the tree.
  5. Pruning to reduce size: If your tree of plenty has grown too large for your space, you can reduce its size by cutting off the longest branches. Be sure not to remove more than 1/3 of the total foliage in a single pruning session.
  6. clean cut: Be sure to make clean, smooth cuts to minimize damage to the plant. Don’t leave torn or chipped cuts.

The best time to prune the tree of abundance is in spring or early summerwhen it is in its period of active growth. Avoid pruning in winter, as the plant is more susceptible to cold stress. And now that we are still in October, remember that you should prune these three plants in October if you have them at home.
