“When is it our turn?” Waregem station in the cold until 2032

“When is it our turn?” Waregem station in the cold until 2032

Action was held on Tuesday evening with about a hundred activists and members from all political groups of the city council. “While a megalomaniac project is starting in Kortrijk, we will have to stand in the cold until 2032”, some say.

The city council expresses the frustration as follows: “Despite expressed ambitions, by the NMBS, about ‘autonomous accessibility’ and the years of promises in this sense to our city, the NMBS continues to treat Waregem poorly. Since the Waregem station in December 2009 the status of IC station, especially the number of trains and passengers have increased, but not the comfort of the passengers.”

” This means that there will still be no raised platforms in the Waregem station before 2032, no generally increased accessibility of the station and no lift that is suitable for people with a disability or travelers with a bicycle or a lot of luggage. That the many travelers in Waregem, and in particular people with a disability, are once again being ignored as a result, the city council finds it very surprising Despite an average of 2576 travelers per weekday (figures from 2022), stations with lower passenger numbers such as Heist and Blankenberge turn out to be more of a priority for the NMBS. “
