‘When I was sixteen I applied here and immediately indicated that I wanted to take steps’ | Salary

SalaryHow much do you earn? We ask a Dutch person every week. Today: Milan (19) works 16 hours a week as assistant manager of a supermarket. In addition, he studies.

What do you earn?
“On paper, I earn 687 euros net per month. But because I also work on Sundays, I earn double. That is why I receive between 1000 and 1100 euros every month.”

Happy with?
“I’m very happy with it for my age. I am doing the retail entrepreneurial vocational education course, so I am learning a lot about managing. When I was sixteen I applied for a job at this supermarket and immediately indicated that I wanted to make steps. I started at 4.12 euros gross per hour and that increased by a euro every year. Before I became an assistant manager, I earned 7.83 euros per hour and I am now at 9.88 euros per hour.”

What are your secondary employment conditions?
,,I recently took the company emergency response course and tonight I have an online course. I can count the hours that I spend on the course and I receive a travel allowance of 25 cents per kilometer.”

Have you negotiated your salary?
“No, there is no negotiation. There are two scales: one based on age and one based on experience. You will get a pay increase if you have more experience. I was a helper for three years and then you receive an allowance for that every year on top of your salary. The longer you are in a position, the higher your salary will be. I think that’s a fair system.”

Have you ever tried to negotiate?
,,No, actually not, because it is not done in this profession. And since I earn well for my age, I didn’t think it was necessary.”


By default, the salary is paid on the 25th of the month and then we talk about it

Do you know what your colleagues earn?
,,My colleagues who are 16 and 17 years old earn between 150 and 250 euros per month. Those are flexible hours. If they would make my hours I think they would be around 450 euros. By default, the salary will be 25e of the month and then we’ll talk about it. But actually I don’t discuss it anymore since my PhD. I have the feeling that my colleagues are going to look at me differently. Of course they already do, because I am now in a managerial position, but no friendships suffer as a result. I have also made an agreement with everyone that we will look at each other’s position during working hours. Mine is a manager and because of that I sometimes have to address people. It is certainly accepted, especially because I not only delegate, but also listen to the opinions of my team members.”

How do you see your future?
,,My father has his own company and I hope to work there together with my brother as a manager. I like to be in control and do things my way. That is possible in such a function. I don’t think much about salary yet. That doesn’t interest me much. I will finish my education before the summer holidays and then I first want to work fifty percent of my time with my parents and fifty percent at the supermarket. Especially because the working atmosphere is very nice, I would like to stay there for a while.”

Does Milan earn enough?

Age: 19
Number of years of work experience: 3
Number of working hours per week: 16
Education: secondary vocational education
Function: manager
Industry: Retail
Number of employees: 32 (this location)
Headquarters country of residence: Germany
Managerial: yes
Budget responsibility: no

According to the Salary Guide is the average salary for this position, this number of hours and his age is 475 euros gross. According to the Collective Labor Agreement for Supermarkets, the minimum hourly wage for an employee of 19 years old is 6.44 euros gross. That equates to 412.16 euros gross per month. “The supermarket where I work pays well. I knew that. I think the amount that comes out of the Salary Guide is quite low. You carry quite a lot of responsibilities on such a day.”

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What is the Salary Guide? 7 Questions & Answers

1. Based on how many hours of work per week is the salary based?

Salary is based on a 40 hour work week.

2. Is the calculated salary including or excluding holiday pay?

The monthly salary shown does not include holiday pay.

3. Does the calculated gross salary include or exclude commissions and/or bonuses?

The forecasted gross salary excludes variable components such as commissions, bonuses and so on.

4. Does the calculated gross salary include a 13th month?

No, the predicted gross salary is a ‘normal’ monthly salary without settlement of a 13th or 14th month.

5. I work for a multinational with 10,000 employees worldwide. However, the Dutch team consists of 50 employees. What do I choose for company size?

The size of the organization is limited to the number of colleagues in the Netherlands.

6. What does budget authority mean?

This is the maximum amount that you can spend for professional purposes and for which you do not need permission from a manager.

7. How often is the information that serves as the basis for the National Vacature Bank Salary Guide updated?

Salaries and fringe benefits are not static data, but are constantly evolving.

Do you want a higher salary? This is how you arrange it:

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