‘When I grow up, I want to become a ninja, with street art as a hobby’

Elias RetelStatue Adriaan van der Ploeg

Where and with whom do you live?

‘I live in Dordrecht with my brother Jona (13), mother Hindele (43) and father Manuel (46). I also have a cat, Fibi. She always takes a lot of animals with her. Once she took a mole and often birds, rats and mice.’

How many hugs do you have?

‘There are many, I don’t know how many. My favorite stuffed animal is Ollie, an elephant, because he is so soft on the back. I always sleep with him and I always take him on vacation. I actually wanted to take a picture with him too, but I hadn’t thought of that.’

What makes you happy?

‘That’s a lot, I don’t know if I can list it all. But I really like swimming. And drawing, because we have all colors at home; I can draw a lot with this. I like to draw robots, that’s what I do best. I also often draw countdown calendars, for example for my birthday, Sinterklaas, Christmas and for holidays. Oh, and playing “Everything Man” with my friend Flinn makes me happy. Then we dress up and make up ourselves and we can be everything.’

What do you dislike doing?

‘To sleep. I’m not tired very often.’

What would you sell if you had your own store?

‘Games, because I know how to come up with a lot of fun games and play a lot of games. My favorite game is Skip-Bo, with all cards. Whoever gets rid of all the cards first has won.’

What is your favourite food?

‘I prefer to eat croissants for breakfast, often with cheese and egg, and for lunch I just eat sandwiches. My favorite dinner is pizza, because I always find the edges so nice and crispy. The best pizza I think is pizza margherita. We often eat pizza, like once a week.’

Who do you always laugh hard at?

‘To Jonah. He’s always acting weird and crazy, talking funny, and he’s always talking about cheese. He likes that very much and makes jokes about it.’

Who would you like to be for a day?

“Mario from the gameboy, because I like racing and I want to shoot monsters. I don’t know if I would always win, but sometimes I do.’

What do you do in ten years?

‘At least I’m not an adult yet, so I don’t know exactly what I’ll do then. When I’m an adult, I want to become a ninja, with street art as a hobby. And I want to continue living in Dordrecht.’
