When can you drink and drive

Is it possible to drink while driving if the car is stationary, even with the engine running? Judging by the rules of the road and the Code of Administrative Offenses, it is possible.

Paragraph 2.7 of the SDA prohibits driving while intoxicated. A driver caught drunk driving is subject to a fine of 30 thousand rubles and deprivation of rights for up to two years.

At the same time, the term “driving a vehicle” is not defined in the Rules. But there is the term “Road traffic” – this is a set of social relations that arise in the process of moving people and goods with or without vehicles within roads. Thus, driving a vehicle can be considered the movement of people and goods within the road.

If the car does not move, then there is no control and it is impossible to punish a person for driving a vehicle while intoxicated. And it does not matter whether the car is standing with the engine running or not – the main thing is that the car does not move.

It is not an offense and drinking alcoholic beverages in the passenger compartment. The interior of the car is not a public place, and an inspector who is interested in a car with a “feast” can be shown not a license, but a passport, because the driver is not the driver at that moment.

Thus, says the magazine “Behind the wheel”, the driver can drink while sitting in the car. But then you can’t drive.

Earlier, drivers were reminded that if the traffic police inspector did not explain his rights to the accused of violating traffic rules, then decision on punishment driver does not take effect.


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