When buying fashion, sustainability plays a subordinate role

According to a survey, when buying clothes and shoes, the sustainability and ethical production of the products only play a subordinate role for customers. The decisive factors for the purchase decisions are above all the price and the shelf life, the management consultancy Simon-Kucher summarized the results of a survey among 2028 consumers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Around 64 percent of the consumers surveyed stated that they were not willing to spend more on sustainable fashion than on standard items.

In addition to the price and durability, the product quality and the question of whether the item is easy to care for are also important for the purchase decision. Only then did the topics of ethical production and sustainability follow relatively lagging behind. “Anyone who invests in sustainable clothing or shoes, however, often spends significantly more. On average, customers are willing to pay a full 20 percent more,” said Simon Kucher retail expert Jens Stach. (dpa)
