Wheelchair users drag De Lijn to court | inland

‘De Standaard’ was able to view the summons. It describes thirteen incidents that occurred between March 2019 and November 2022.

The list looks grim. Drivers refuse to stop at the stop despite the person concerned making a sign. Or they do stop, but then continue without looking back at the passenger in the wheelchair. In some other cases, the so-called ‘stick’, which is needed to open the ramp, was not present in the bus. Or the driver indicated that he did not know how to operate it. Another driver claimed that an electric wheelchair is prohibited on board, which is not true.

The plaintiffs ask that, if De Lijn is convicted, the company will set up a committee within a month to deal with complaints involving people with disabilities. This must also effectively include representatives of travelers with a disability. Each wheelchair user would also receive moral compensation of 650 euros per incident. And every bus should have a ‘stick’ for the ramp on board.

The spokeswoman for the Flemish Minister of Mobility, Lydia Peeters (Open Vld), said that the cabinet will “follow up the matter closely”. The minister will see if she can invite Unia and the other parties involved to tell their story.

Today the case starts in the civil court of Mechelen, the city where De Lijn has its headquarters. It is a first formal session, the hearing will probably follow in the autumn.
