WhatsApp, you can access two accounts together

DDo you always have two phones in your bag, one for work contacts, the other for private ones? A slavery that, at least in part, can be considered archived thanks to new WhatsApp feature. That is, the possibility of accessing two accounts at the same time, from the same phone.

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WhatsApp, from today you can have two accounts on the same phone

Mark Zuckerberg announced the news with a post. «Switch between accounts on WhatsApp. Soon it will be possible to have two WhatsApp accounts on a single phone within the app».

Two WhatsApp accounts accessible at the same time are especially useful for people who need to frequently switch between accounts. For example, in fact, from the work one to the personal one. They will no longer have to log out every time, carry around two phones or… worry about sending a message from the wrong account.

Social and work life on the same phone

The feature will be released to Android users over the next few weeks and months. And it will transform the messaging app into a two-faced application, with which you can work and always be on track. But also having a social life, with the same phone.

To set up the second account, in any case, you need to have two phone numbers and two SIM cards. At that point, just open the WhatsApp settings, click on the arrow next to your name and click on «Add account». For each account you can control privacy settings and notifications.

There ability to log in with two accounts at the same time was possible until now only on those Android smartphones which allowed clone apps on their interfaceas an example Huawei, Xiaomi and Honor.

