WhatsApp: How to prevent others from reading along

Reading private messages

Whether out of jealousy or to protect the offspring from imminent danger, there are many reasons for reading private WhatsApp messages. But no matter what the intention is to spy on a chat, the form of monitoring for adults without the consent of the person concerned remains prohibited and even punishable. However, if a concerned parent wants to know what their own underage child is doing or if they are in danger, the legal situation has not yet been entirely clear. From a legal point of view, one finds oneself in a kind of gray area between the protection right and the self-determination of the child.

Vulnerability in WhatsApp Web

For many people it will be frightening how easy it is to unnoticedly read the personal messages that are exchanged in a WhatsApp chat. This is possible by accessing the smartphone using WhatsApp Web. All you have to do is open the service on a PC, smartphone or tablet in an Internet browser and install the app. Then you only have to scan the displayed QR code in the app of the target smartphone and you will receive all messages, pictures and videos of the monitored person.

This protects you from unwanted readers

As easy as it is to secretly read someone else’s messages, it is also easy to prevent it. To do this, you have to log out of all registered devices in the WhatsApp settings under the “WhatsApp Web/Desktop” item, which cuts every connection and secret readers need access to the smartphone again. As an additional security measure, it is recommended not only to disconnect WhatsApp from all devices, but also to change passwords and the device code if necessary.

Notes for secret readers

It’s often just a weird feeling, but there are also obvious indications that someone is secretly reading your WhatsApp messages. So it should always be a warning sign for you when you receive a WhatsApp security code via SMS. If you have not requested this yourself, this usually means that a third party needs the activation code for WhatsApp and reads it from your lock screen, for example, in order to connect to your account. As a general security measure, it is recommended to turn on two-factor authentication in WhatsApp. A six-digit PIN is requested as soon as someone tries to register with WhatsApp using your cell phone number. If you are using an iPhone, you may also need to change the access data for the Apple ID and also set up two-factor authentication for your iCloud.

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Image sources: Twin Design / Shutterstock.com
