WhatsApp here is the news: in the update new features for privacy

Mark Zuckerberg announced some changes to the platform: changing the rules for screenshots, deleting messages and leaving groups

Whatsapp has decided to make a change, or rather 4, to the privacy issue of its users. In fact, these days 3 new features will be activated (one already exists), which will change the habits of users: from 9 August you can already delete messages up to two days after sending, while you will still have to wait a few weeks to be able to exit incognito from groups and have their “online” status hidden from some “unwanted” users. Instead, for the blocking of chat screenshots the functionality is being tested.

The announcement

Mark Zuckerberg – CEO and co-founder of Facebook (now Meta) – announced the new Whatsapp options, triggering many reactions from users. “You can leave groups without the others being notified, control who can see if you are online and prevent screenshots of ephemeral messages”, this is the message written by Zuckerberg.

The explanation of the novelties

Let’s go into detail in the explanation of the news, starting from the first already active: the cancellation of messages up to two days after sending. How to do? Once the chat is open, just hold down on the text of our message until it is selected and then click on “delete”, or “delete for me” or “delete for all”. Chapter leaving the groups: from the next few days it will be possible to leave the groups “incognito”, without sending notifications to the members. Only the administrator will be aware of this. Then, Whatsapp decided to change the “online” status, adding the ability to hide from some subjects whether or not we are active at that moment. To “make us invisible” to only some of our WhatsApp contacts we will have to enter the “privacy” settings of our account and then select “last access and online” (now it is only “last access”) and from there indicate in our contact list who to keep in the dark about our conversations. The latest news is related to the screenshot of the chats, but this option is still being tested.
